They'd done a load of practice takes yesterday so that they could get their perfect positioning, The Blue hadn't performed this song in front of any of the crew or cast so this was a one-take sort of thing that they all had to nail. So far so good.

Softly, the guitar streamed though the ears of the people dancing and the light drums added an upbeat vibe to the tune as Oak's, said to be unique voice sung the lyrics. The chorus was their favourite part, for what reason they didn't know but they kind of liked how the guitar picked up pace.

"Oh 'cause when you whisper, my skin shivers
and when you natter my heart begins to patter.
So won't you whisper it again
?" Oak sung and the full crew and cast were in awe by how good the band actually were, not that they thought they'd be bad but they didn't expect this.

The song was coming to a close and the camera was focused on Julian and Ajay's characters Francisco and Ethan, who were stood near the fire escape talking to themselves. "Do you smell burning?" Ethan questioned as his mind wafted elsewhere.

Just as the words left his mouth a loud blaring sound backtracked the whole event but the sprinkler system didn't go off, smoke began to file in from under the doors of the hall. A dark shadowy figure walked in, their arms out in front of them, nobody noticed because they were all focused on the burning. He pointed the gun at the bandstand and shot a bullet at Oak's character as the bang went off she was told to fall back onto the stage, she said a mat wasn't necessary, the other three were told to quickly dive to her body that was bleeding out.

Harrison's character, Cameron was walking around frantically in complete worry as the camera followed him, his eyes clocked to the bandstand as he saw the lead singer of the band on the floor, he rapidly approached the stage but fell to the floor before he could make it.

"And cut!" The director yelled happily, this was easily the hardest scene to shoot as it was needed to be a one take kind of thing to add to the actual emotion. He felt immense pride at all the actors and even the band who weren't actors at how well this scene was portrayed. All that was left to do now was a few short scenes between some characters, there was no other major things that needed to be done now.

Everybody in the room cheered excitedly, they were so proud of themselves at how well executed the scene was, they all just got that feeling when something went well and they had that massively. Steven, the one and only director of the show had allowed the younger cast to have a day off tomorrow because of all the hard work they had done, he needed to film a scene with Francisco's family and one with Leia's.

——— ••• ———

"Is that song out in the public so I can listen to it?" Elle asked the band with a smile on her face, she found the song they sung really boppy and lyrically pleasing.

"No, it's not, if you give us your email we'll send you the demo if you want," Oak smiled at the long-haired girl who was sat opposite her, she was wedged between Alex and Harrison, whilst everyone spoke about different things.

"Fuck the email I'll give you all my number!" Elle announced with a little chuckle, she took a liking to the members of the band partly because of their accents and because they all seem like such nice people. The blonde grabbed a napkin from the table and quickly jotted down her digits and handed it to the blue-haired girl. "Give me a text whenever," She smiled after Oak thanked the girl.

Overall, the first impressions that the actors had about the band were all positive, they all loved how polite and calm they were and also they adored their unintentional awkwardness and how excited they got about hearing other people's stories.

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