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"You ready mama?" Anthony asked as we stood outside of the restaurant

I nodded my head, "as ready as I'm going to be. Do I look okay?"

I was 30 weeks pregnant now and there was no hiding it anymore. It was still small, but my baby bump was definitely there, anyone could tell I was pregnant.

He held the door open for me allowing me to walk through it first before coming up behind me. Everyone's attention shifted to us and the sudden chatter stopped. I grew nervous under their stares since I didn't know any of them besides Ravi, Ensō, Aurora, and Apollo.

There were still two other empty seats on the other side of the table so at least we weren't the last ones to get here.

Most of them has mugs resting on their faces looking at Anthony—they really didn't like him.

"She's pregnant Samir?!" My eyes went to the head of the table were my eyes locked on his grandmother

I just ignored her walking to my seat next to Yoshinori. Anthony followed suit and the both of us got seated.

"Samir." He grandma snapped, "I thought you two broke up."

"We did." I answered for her since she was so invested in us, "we're not together. He's just the father of our son. We're co-parenting."

"Just trying to trap my grandson." She shook her head looking at me with cold eyes

What is wrong with this lady man.

"Old lady.." Yoshi snarled, "I already told you to chill out. You don't want me to get too far out of character."

I blew out a deep breath shaking my head. Yoshinori could get ugly and quick if she was provoked. I didn't want her going there with Pia, she wasn't worth it.

"I don't see why you two mess with these girls." She scoffed, "you could do way better...and the fact that you actually have this pregnant girl here is baffling. Is the baby even yours?"

I looked to my right at Anthony letting him know I was annoyed; I didn't want any drama today. I was too pregnant to be stressed out by this old lady.



I could tell that Yué was over it. She was too nice to tell my grams off like her sister would and on top of that she didn't want to stress herself out because she was pregnant.

"She's carrying my son grams. Please leave her alone so we can enjoy this dinner."

"Another bastard baby.." I heard my little sister Priya mumble

"Fuck you say Priya?" I raised my voice halfway out my seat

She got up from her seat leaning against the table, "I said another fucking bastard baby just like your first one! I hope this baby mama doesn't fuck around and have a baby on you by someone else!"

Looking down at Yué she was just shaking her head in her seat, "I have a boyfriend..Priya was it? Anthony is just the father of my child and I'm only here because I didn't have anything else to do today and he asked, not as his girlfriend-we aren't together and let that be the last time you call my son and Charlie bastard babies."

"I was talking to Samir." She replied smartly

Yoshinori cut in, "and now you're talking to me since you want to get disrespectful. The hell is your problem? You don't know my sister from a can of paint and you already at her neck like she did something to you. For what?"

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