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My mind has been moving a mile a minute and I honestly can't stop overthinking.

But here's a new chappie because the ideas are literally flowing out of me at this point.

Comment and all that greatness. 




"Hey mama."

"How's everything going son?"

"Surprisingly great if I'm being honest."

"That's good to hear."

"How are you?"

"Me? I'm well. Your child on the other hand hasn't really been feeling you as of late and sure as hell will get her ass handed to her if she continues to get slick at the mouth."

"She with you?"


"Let me talk to her."

"How may I be of service to you father?"

"Oh I'm father now?"

"What do you want dad?"

"Heard you mad at me lil baby. What I do?"

"Like you don't already know pops."

"You mad I left you with your grams?"


"Your mom doing something you don't like?"

"Not even close."

"Well then what is it baby girl? You know how I feel about you being upset with me."

"You stole Yué from me! She was supposed to be teaching me the piano this weekend and you totally blew that for me."

If this isn't my daughter...

"Well I apologize for taking her away. I didn't know that's what you two had planned and I promise to have her back to you safe and sound."

"Mhm..whatever dad."

"How about I make it up to you."

"I'm listening."

"You're last day of school is in two weeks and I figured since you've been such a good girl this year, we are going to Disney World."

"That's place is for babies dad, I'm eight. A big kid."

"Yué is coming."

"Grandma will have me packed in an hour."

"Slow down mama. I said two weeks, you have to finish the third grade first."

The line went silent for a few moments

"Now you got her all worked up. When were you going to tell me about this little trip?"

"When I picked her up in a couple of days. You're free to join us if you'd like."

"I don't see why not. Just send the dates and I'm there. Have you told her mother?"

"I need to?"

"Tony don't make me snatch you through this phone."

"What I need to tell Riley for? Charlie is my daughter too."

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