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I been riding in the car with Roman for a good five minutes. We just left the gym after a good training session that I honestly needed to blow off some steam after having to deal with Anthony stupid ass and then Roman's negligent ass.

We been riding in silence because he was mad at me for "entertaining niggas" and I was mad at him for leaving me hanging when he was supposed to pick me up.

"Who were them niggas you were talking to?" He spoke keeping his eyes on the road

He was taking this over protective shit way too far and it was blowing me.

"My boss and his younger brother." I kept my eyes out the window not really wanting to talk to him cause I was still well beyond mad at him

"Why was your boss at the gym? He ain't look like he was planning on working out."

Shaking my head I chuckled bitterly before looking at him with a scowl on my face, "well someone had to take me to the gym since you found that blowing a bitch back out was more important than picking me up."

He pursed his lips before licking them, "my bad.."

"What's my bad supposed to do?" I asked furrowing my brows, "this is like the third fucking time you did this shit to me Roman. And every time you blow me off last minute, it's so you can go fuck that same girl. Stop making plans with me if you just gonna keep leaving me dry to get your dick wet son.."

"What you want me to do about it Yoshi?" He asked completely unbothered

He was talking like he didn't give a fuck and wasn't apologetic for standing me up again. Since he wanted to play like he not in the wrong, I'm gonna do him one better—he'll see.

"Nothing..nothing at all Roman.." I smiled before turning back to the window

Sent 7:00PM

What's up
Received 7:01PM

Nothing really...going home. You wanna hang out tonight?
Sent 7:03PM

None of your friends answering the phone or something lol
Received 7:03PM

I don't have any friends..well I have one friend that you met already today. But I'm taking that as a no so on that note, I'll see you tomorrow.
Sent 7:05PM

I never said no. I was just asking a question Yoshinori. Relax lol
Received 7:06PM

Sooo...you down to do something tonight or what?
Sent 7:06PM

Yeah. I'll be over in 30 and we can decided what the move is when I get there
Received 7:07PM

Cool with me. See you in a bit.
Sent 7:07PM

Operation piss off Roman enough to get him off my back has initiated. One thing for sure and two things for certain, Rome was getting on my last nerve with standing me up and cock blocking me like he was my damn father.

After a solid twenty minutes we pulled up to the house and I was more than happy to get out of the damn car and into my own space.

I waited for him to open my door and he grabbed my bags as I walked to the front door. Yué wasn't home so I left myself a mental note to text her to figure out where could she possibly have been. I know her little boo thang was across the country in LA, so unless she was out with Cassie or some shit I don't know what would have her out and about.

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