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So...I realized you guys don't know me so I'm gonna game this moment to introduce myself. You can totally skip this and just read the chapter, I won't be mad at it lol.

Hi, I'm Clairminza. Clair is fine because I'm sure everyone is about to struggle on pronouncing my full first name, it's fine 😂. I tend to curse a lot and I enjoy eating large amounts of food in short periods of time. That's all folks.

Umm..so this was like my third time writing this so believe me when I say I didn't proof read shit 😂. I sowwy. Thanks for reading ❤️


Her skin was flawless as her beauty reined even when she was asleep. The way her wild hair draped her face made the all the more beautiful.

Our night last night made me realize that I had a long way to go before we made anything official, but she showed me it would be well worth the wait and the journey getting there would be full of love and laughs. She was a lot more than I expected her to be to say the least, and I was excited about what else she would share with me.

It was going on ten in the morning and I have probably been up for a five minutes just looking at her, admiring her beauty. Going into today I had all intentions of bringing her back home and continuing my usual weekday routine that involved going to work, picking up Charlie, and ending the night at home. But all of a sudden my mind started to drift in other directions as far as todays plans went.

Stroking her side slowly I started to speak,

"Yué...time to get up mama."

She shifted in her position as her eyes slowly fluttered open. A tight lipped smile formed on her face as she gained her focus on me.

 A tight lipped smile formed on her face as she gained her focus on me

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"Good morning."

"How'd you sleep love?"

Relieving herself of her night time stiffness she stretched her arms above her head with a light groan, "amazingly satisfying. What about you?"

I completely disregarded her question allowing my mouth to move before my mind, "Let's go to L.A."

"Like Los Angeles...California?"

I slowly nodded my head yes.

A long yawn escaped her lips, "right now?"

Her eyes were low as she questioned me.

The last thing I was expecting was for her to actually consider flying across the country with me in the spur of the moment, but shit lets roll with it.

"Yes.." my tone held a lot of reluctance as I didn't know how sure she was about going.

"Why don't you sound sure about it?" Her eyes squinted and her head tilted when she questioned me yet again. "If you're actually serious we can hop on your private plane and go. I can get whatever I need in L.A."

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