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I reread this three times and I bet you there's still mistakes in there 🙃. Enjoy



"Come on Mila.." Cassie whined pulling on my arm for the millionth time, "get up"

I was sulking on my couch for the third day in a row caught up in my head and in my feelings. Since getting back its all I seemed to be able to do after Anthony dropped me off and must've lost his way back. Part of me knew I shouldn't have told him shit about my past depression let alone my suicide attempt. He watched me break down, watched me submit to him in such a vulnerable state and where is he? Who fucking knows because he's not here.

I should have never gone out with the prick to begin with

"Can't believe I actually went out with him.." I mumbled staring blankly at the tv, "so fucking stupid of me."

I brought my knees to my chest trying to get comfortable in my position since I had no plans of leaving it.

The past three days I have been doing nothing but cursing myself for letting him in and some more for actually missing him. If he would walk through these doors right now I actually feared that he would take one look at me and all would be well. Just kiss me once with his soft lips and I would forgive him and let him fuck me into oblivion. I was starting to grow attached, and it sucked.

As my mind drifted onto Anthony like it tends to do nowadays, my doorbell rang causing my hurt to race hoping that it was him. I eyed my front door and looked over at Cassie.

"Mila the only thing hurting here are your feelings, your legs work completely fine. Get your lazy ass up and open your own damn door." She spat keeping her phone in her hands while her low eyes were on me

I poked my bottom lip out in hopes that she would open it if I whined hard enough, "Pleaseeeeee."

I gave her my best puppy dog eyes hoping she would give in.

She rolled her eyes tossing her phone to the side of her, "fine."

Getting up from her seat she stomped my to my front door making sure I heard every damn step. As I heard the front door open no one said anything, so for a moment I didn't think anyone was actually there and it was just some children playing ding dong ditch or something. But once she came back I turned my head slightly to see none other thank Kyle trailing behind her with the goofy grin he always wears on his face.

"You look horrible." He smiled taking a seat next to me throwing his arm over my shoulder

"But here you are in my face."

His tongue grazed his bottom lip bringing it between his teeth, "I missed you, so I flew out here to see you. Make sure you were good after all that shit happened in the media."

"Pretty sure I told you I wasn't interested Kyle."

My eyes squinted as I looked at him with suspicion because I really didn't understand why he insisted on popping up on me every chance he got. One would think he would be tired of running after me by now.

"I just want to catch up, I promise."

"Don't you have practice or something?" Cassie questioned

He laughed as if something was funny, "Well damn am I not wanted here?"

"You do know you came here unannounced.." I started, "so what you think?"

"I think I missed you Milani, and I wanted to spend time with you and make up for lost time." His brown orbs stared onto mine with his usual smile, "that's what I think."

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