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Slowly opening up my heavy eyelids I waited for my eyes to focus of the clock that sat on my nightstand. It read 8:30AM causing me to mentally groan at how late I stayed in bed knowing I had shit to do today.

I felt the right side of my bed dip causing me to turnover slowly to meet the gaze of the man that made me fall for him just to break my heart into a millionlittle pieces. My mind was all over the place, that was a fact—but I could never deny that being with him gives me a feeling that was unexplainable..how could I let that go?

"Good morning beautiful." He grinned placing a light kiss on my forehead.

"Morning.." my eyes roamed his face trying to piece the words together, "Tony we need to lay everything out on the table before I just let you back in. I need you to clearly understand that if I didn't love you, I would've kicked you to the curb last night."

Believe it or not I found it hard to be without him—it sucked. My brain was constantly telling me I'd be foolish to go back to a cheater, but the heart wants what it wants. We both know mine wants him.

"I know and I planned on having that conversation now."

He sat on the bed with his back against the headboard. We were in this mess because of him, so instinctively I waited for him to explain.

"The day you caught me, Riley showed up saying she had something important to talk about in regards to Charlie. She never comes to my place of work so since she just popped up I figured it must really be serious. So she came in my office and just started telling me she wanted us back, she wanted to bring our family back together and get married..."

He briefly looked over at me before continuing his story, "my mind was all over the place so you can say I fell for what she was saying. Then she dropped her coat to the ground showing nothing but her bare skin and we had sex..yes."

I just shook my head in silence as the memory played over and over in my head. He was really fucking her like no tomorrow—like what we had didn't exist.

We sat there in silence for a a couple of minutes. I guess he was waiting for me to say something but truth be told I had nothing to say. I honestly just wanted to act like his infidelity never happened and we're back to being the love birds we once were.

The love I had for him was undeniable, but could I really trust him again after this? Without trust we have nothing, but without him I feel like nothing.

I was snatched out of my thoughts by his low voice, "Can I ask you something?"

Our eyes connected, this time they remained on each other's.

"Ask away."

"Have you been with anyone else?"

My voice was was caught in my throat as I looked at him pondering the question. A wave of guilt suddenly washed over me as I looked into his dark brown eyes. But remembering that I was a single woman while I was fucking Roman, my guilt left as quickly as it came.


He sunk into his seat a little before nodding his head lightly, "do I need to be worried about him?"

"Don't start Anthony." I rolled my eyes, "you don't get to be mad about me fucking someone else. You don't get to be jealous or territorial over me after betraying my trust. Your main priority should be gaining my trust back, that's it."

I rushed out of bed and downstairs to start on breakfast with Anthony right behind me. Making it down to the last step his tattooed arms snaked around my waist and his chin snuggled into the crook of my neck.

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