Running away and finding a hideout!

Start from the beginning

"So, he's really got you both sacked up here with the mountain bandits?" The mayor questioned. 

"You got a problem with that?" Dadan crossed her arms. 

"Of course I do! Especially the bandit part you ruffian!" 

"Wait, ruffian!? Is everyone from Windmill Village is annoying as you!?" 

"I've brought presents for you two!" Makino clapped her hand together gleefully. She goes through her basket. "Knowing Garp, he probably didn't leave you two with a darn thing, did he?"  She pulls out a shirt with a star on in and a (f/c) dress. "Ta-da! Bet you both could use some new clothes." 

"That shirt's awesome!" Luffy smiled. "What a pretty dress!" (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes sparkled. 

"I've brought some for your friends, but I might have to adjust the length." Makino looked at Ace and Sabo. "Could you boys come here for a second? Please." She smiled at them. Sabo grins as he walked towards Makino, leaving a very confused Ace. Makino encouraged Ace to come over, but he won't move. (Y/n), who is already wearing her new dress skipped up to Ace and held out her hand. "Come on, Ace. Makino brought us some nice clothes." Ace said nothing as he allows (Y/n) to grab his hand and lead him to Makino. 

Makino bends down to Ace's level and began to measure up the shirt for him. "I heard that Ace is a troublemaker, but you seem like a good boy." Makino smiled. 

"Who the hell told you that?" Ace questioned. He looked down and saw that (Y/n) was still holding his hand. "Um, (Y/n). You're still holding my hand." (Y/n) looks down. She quickly lets go of his hand. "Oops. Sorry." She smiled. This caused Ace to blush. 

A few feet away from them, Sabo and Luffy, now wearing their new shirts, were snickering at them. Well, mostly at Ace. 

"That little dork." Sabo comments. "Ace, you're blushing." Luffy points. "Hey! Shut up!" Ace yells. "Come on now. Hold still." Makino instructed as adjusted his shirt more. "You're both going to get it later." Ace grunts. Sabo and Luffy bursted out laughing at Ace's flustered face. (Y/n) couldn't help, but giggle a little.

Night on that day, Makino made dinner for everyone. They cheered for her cooking as everyone digs in. Everyone was enjoying the meal they were having. 

"I want to eat good food like this! As soon as I get my pirate crew together the first thing I'll do is find the best cook in the world." Sabo said as he ate. "Too bad I'll find the best cook before you." Ace brags. "No way! I'll be able to find the best cook before you two." (Y/n) ate her food. Luffy joined in. "You wish! I'm going to be a pirate before any of you dopes!" 

The mountains bandits suddenly spit out their foods as their eyes were coming out of their sockets. Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy, were confused on what made them so scared. They got their answer when a familiar voice clears his throat. Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy's faces turned blue from fear as they slowly turned around and saw who it was. To their fear, it was their grandfather, Garp. 

"You little bastards are still spouting that pirate crap!?" Garp barked. Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy's eyes popped out. "You three are going to be marines some day even if I've got to beat some dignity into you!" Garp pound their heads. They collapsed to the floor with huge bumps growing from their head. "Dadan!" Garp calls. "Yes, Garp, sir-" Dadan was punched by Garp. "Why did you have to hit me too?" She asked as she collapsed on the floor. 

"Because you're doing a crappy job of teaching my kids! Clearly!" He answered. 

"Wait, that guy is Garp? Didn't know that Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy's grandpa was so cranky." Sabo sweated. Garp glares at Sabo. "Hey squirt. I heard you spouting that pirate nonsense too." Luffy runs in front of Sabo and defends him. "He's not a squirt! He's Sabo! We've already made a promise over a cup of sake! So we're going to be pirates someday whether you like it or not!" 

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