Enter The Dark Masters

Start from the beginning

"Oh, my goodness! It's Chumon." She said shocked.

"He looks terrible. What he needs is a good makeover. " Mimi said. Chumon lifted his head up and stared up at the pink clad girl and her digimon.

"Mimi? Palmon?" He asked in confusion, "I'm so glad you came back to save us." Then he collapsed again.

"Hey, over here! Did you all forget about me?" Joe shouted. I felt terrible. I had completely forgotten about Joe. Gomamon, Tai and Matt went to go help him while the rest of us stayed with Chumon.

Izzy went to sit down and try to contact Gennai with Tentomon and me.... I was just standing and gripping my cloak tightly while I shivered in the cold.

The Digital World, in my opinion, had changed completely. Not only was it almost pitch dark here in this forest, the world itself seemed to be completely out of whack. Light turned dark. Up went down. Left turned Right. It was just like that, but on a bigger scale.

But it wasn't just the fundamental structure of this world that bothered me. I could feel different types of darkness in this world. And none of them were weak.

"Are you okay, Raya?" Luna asked. I continued to stare into space.

"Our enemies here.... I can tell that they won't be easy to defeat, Luna. The Digital World is in more danger than we thought." I answered.

I sighed and turned around to walk back to the group. Mimi held Chumon in her lap, cradling the poor injured digimon.

"Chumon's a mess, I wonder what happened to him." Palmon said.

"Well, whatever it was, it wasn't very pretty." Biyomon said.

"Poor thing." Sora said.

Chumon groaned in pain as his eyes finally opened, looking around at our group nervously.

"Chumon." Mimo said, happy to see the little digimon awake.

"Mimi." Chumon said relieved, "I wasn't dreaming, it's really you after all. But that means..." he looked around and spotted me with Luna standing next to Tk and Kari.

"Oh, no... the Digi-mage is here! You must hide! Go back home where they can't find you." He shouted.

"What do you mean? Before who finds Raya?" Mimi asked.

"What happened to your friend, Sukkamon?" Palmom asked.

Chumon looked to the side, his eyes closed as to keep the tears away.

"I-I... I'm afraid I lost him." Chumon burst into tears and sobbed loudly. Mimi brought him closer to her chest and whispered sweet nothings to the digimon until he calmed down and began to tell us what happened.

"After you guys left File Island, Sukkamon and I went on with life as usual: eating, eating, and more eating. When suddenly, the ground shook terribly. We ran and ran, trying to find a place to hide, when the ground opened up beneath Sukkamon and swallowed him up. I never saw him again. A powerful force took over the land, causing all kinds of bad things to happen. Then it rebuilt the Digital World so it would be easier to conquer. I've been hiding ever since."

"You mean the Digital World is completely different than the way it was?" Tai said, shocked like the rest of us.

"How's it different?" Izzy asked.

With Mimi holding Chumon, the digimon took us out of the forest and to an open field, where everything was even more crazy than before.

We gasped when a large mountain with four stripes spiraling to the top. I looked down at my crest and tag to see it change from the crest of unity, to the crest of harmony. But it was fading into darker colors, flickering front light to dark.

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