- Forty-seven: Solar Eclipse; Ready Set Fire -

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Guys, it's here. The EcLiPsE is hErE.


Percy was getting worried by the minute until he heard flashes outside the big house. The door burst opened and in came the Olympians.

"Mother," Percy breathed out just as Hestia hugged him tightly.

"I see they managed to wake you up," Chiron noted.

The Stolls grinned. "Oh, and I found this too!" Travis exclaimed before whipping out a bat-shaped weapon. Conner pumped his fist in the air excitedly.

Hermes widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Where did you get that?!"

"Your pranking room. It was filled with the motherload," Travis said grinning.

Luke cleared his throat making everyone face him. "We only have thirty minutes before the total eclipse," he said pointedly.

Athena snapped her fingers and a notebook appeared on the table. She opened it and unfolded the pages. "Whatever plan you have now is not going to work. End isn't planning on attacking by land," she said.

The non-gods stared at her confusedly. "How do you know?" Bianca asked.

Athena took in a deep breath and stared at them. "Annabeth has been a double spy the whole time," she said.

A deafening silence filled the big house as they let it sink in. Annabeth was a double spy? "Since when?" Luke exclaimed stupefied.

"Way back before... Percy lost his wings," she said a little hesitantly.

The son of Hestia felt a pang in his heart at the unwelcoming memory. "Back to the invasion, he's going by sea," she said worriedly.

"How are we going to defend camp now?" Zoë asked a little defeated.

Percy's eyes lit up at an idea. "We'll make it look like we don't know about their attack plan. Poseidon, Pontus and I will proceed to the beach. Hemera, Zeus, and Jason will be scouting the skies. Separate yourselves into two groups. Make sure the younger kids are safe in the cabin," he instructed.

The gods turned to Zeus who inhaled deeply before nodding his head. "Follow, Perseus."

Everyone immediately scampered away preparing themselves. Once they left, Percy rubbed his temples sighing exasperatedly. "Son, you don't look well." The son of Hestia glanced up and smiled at his father and mother.

"I'm fine," he said.

Hestia and Poseidon stared at each other before facing him. "Don't push yourself," she said before kissing his forehead. She left along with Poseidon leaving him in the big house.

"You know you're lying to them, right?" Percy rolled his eyes and tilted his head sideways.

Chaos stood there crossing his arms with an unamused expression on his face. Percy sighed before running a hand through his raven hair. He felt a pair of arms encircle his waist as Percy leaned onto Chaos' chest.

"Don't strain yourself," the Creator murmured into his hair.

Percy nodded his head before letting out a breath. "We'll be fine," he mumbled convincing himself.

Chaos buried his head in his fiancé's hair and inhaled his scent. His nervousness eventually calming down sensing the familiar ocean breeze. The son of Hestia seemed to calm down too as he leaned his head on the primordial's chest.

Oh, how they wished they could stay like this forever.

"Shouldn't you be helping the others with the preparation?" Percy mumbled.

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