- Seven: Tryouts, Tasks and...ohh Ice Hockey -

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Hello, my darlings. Here's another wonderful chapter that's done by me.


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Twice now, Chaos has failed to meet with the assassin. They hadn't talked about the small kiss on his cheek and he felt like it was eating him alive. Today, however, fate must be on his side. A messenger walked into the throne room. "Sire, the participants for the Tryouts are here. Would you like to see them?" Chaos glanced up and was about to dismiss him when an idea came into his head.



Renegade hated being played. He received a call from one of the kingdoms he had saved and shadow travelled there. When he opened the chief's house door, the chief wasn't sitting inside. Chaos was.

Renegade gave him a look and the Creator shrugged innocently. "Wonderful isn't it?" He asked as he saw the faraway look. He knew he had been using his wings. Since the people said they heard sounds of wings flapping. Chaos quickly dismissed the rumour. Renegade rolled his eyes as he stood in front of the primordial.

"What do you want?" He asked.

Chaos waved his hand and a parchment paper appeared in front of him. On it was only his name and age.

Name: Renegade
Age: 189
Powers: Unknown
Weapons: Unknown

"What is this?" He asked and picked it up. The Creator shrugged innocently.

"Just a little tryout that happens every ten years. This is to see who is the fittest to be on the army," he said casually. So, this was the Tryout the lady was talking about. He decided to play along as he glanced at Chaos.

"And what makes you think that I would join?" He asked and sat down opposite the primordial.

"Your name has already been entered," he stated. Renegade looked at Chaos and gave him a 'what the fuck' face even though he couldn't see it.

"And you assumed I would just show up?" He asked and leaned forward. Chaos did the same thing and smiling knowingly.

"I assume you would not disappoint me."

Renegade grinned at the Creator. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see then," he said and stood up to leave.

"I'm 200 by the way," Renegade said just as he closed the door. He took a deep breath before he shadow travelled away to planet Velcro. He dubbed it as his favourite planet in the entire universe. Whenever, he felt stress, depressed, low or happy, he would visit it and soar into the sky. He could use his wings freely without having to worry about others seeing him. The Mother tree made sure of that.

He flew above the clouds as he thought about Chaos' offer. If he won the Tryouts, he would either decline the position or join them. He has always wanted to see the Creator's reaction as he refused it. But now, he was having a slight doubt about declining it. He didn't know what it was and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, curiosity got the best of him.

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