- Thrity-seven: Separation -

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Anyone noticed the capitalised letter 'A' in chapter thirty-four?

How are you?


In the past week, Olympus and Camp Half-Blood were a mess. The Elite team were worried about their missing teammate. Using their free time, they tried to find Percy.

Chaos was the worst of them.

After he found Smith's cell door opened, he shouted in anger, frustration and sadness. The whole world tipped off balance for a moment. Lightning strikes occurred so suddenly that it confused and terrified the mortals. A massive earthquake that went from Alaska to the mid of Mexico happened.

Silena had to use heavy charmspeak on the Creator so that he would calm down. He barely had any sleep as he searched the whole of the world for him.

"Chaos, you need to rest." The goddess sighed as the Creator was too engrossed in finding his lover.

She walked forward and snapped her fingers in front of the Creator. That seemed to jolt the Creator back to the present as he looked up.

"Oh, hello, Hestia." The goddess of hearth facepalmed before sighing again.

"You need to rest," she said firmly. She sat down beside him and pulled the papers away from him.

She stared at him sternly and he stopped from trying to get the papers back. "I know you are worried. Why would I not be? I'm his mother. He's my boy and seeing him disappear again breaks my heart," she said. Chaos looked down as he listened to Percy's mother.

She exhaled through her nose before continuing, "But I also know, he wouldn't want you to work your health away just to find him."

He glanced up at her and she smiled softly. She lifted her hand and wiped away a tear. It was the first time she had seen him so devastated and she was glad to know that he was crying in front of her.

It meant that he was comfortable in her presence to connect emotionally to her. She hugged him gently before letting go.

"If anything, Percy will scold you and make sure you never go near paperwork again," she said. A weak chuckle came out from the Creator's mouth.

"Thanks," he said and offered a weak smile.

Hestia nodded her head accepting it. "Get some fresh air. I'll continue your work," she said.

He nodded his head gratefully before leaving the big house for the first time in four days.


Percy woke up in an unknown place. He felt fear rise up in his chest as he looked around frantically.

Where am I?

He couldn't remember events from before this so he closed his eyes and concentrated. A burst of memories came to his head making him gasped and rubbed his temples tiredly. Why was he so tired? He felt irritated and grumpy as he stood up and surveyed his surroundings. All around him was trees and more trees.

Oh, what's that? A tree.

What about that? Another tree!

He climbed up a tree(sadly) and when he reached the top, all around him was still trees. He let out an exasperated breath. Sooner or later, he was going to get sick and tired of looking at trees.

When he climbed back down, he tried to spread his wings but they wouldn't budge. "What the hell?" He mumbled quietly.

Percy decided to leave it and walked through the forest. He estimated that he had already walked for thirty minutes before he heard a twig snapping sound.

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