- Ten: Flashbacks and an angry goddess -

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I'm excited for the next few chapters. I can literally picture this when I was typing this part.

Also, well done to @SkyxxxQueen for predicting the next chapter

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Also, well done to @SkyxxxQueen for predicting the next chapter.


A woman, in her mid-thirties, sat at the burning hearth. Its flames burned brightly with her tending to it. She had fiery orange eyes and soft dark brown hair. She exhaled through her nose as she thought about her son. It had been more than a century since he had written to her. She was worried and didn't know how he was doing or if he is alright.

Suddenly, the flames rose to the ceiling. The gods in the throne room whipped their head and shrunk away from the flames. They didn't know if it was intentional or accidental but didn't want another round of the goddess' wrath. Hestia stared curiously at the flames.

It only ever rose if it was receiving something. Her eyes widened as a wide smile plastered on her face. A look of recognition passed her as she lowered the flames. An envelope sat in the coals untouched by the flames.

Her name was written in cursive and blue ink. She squealed and picked it up excitedly. "What is it, sister?" Hestia whipped her head and stared at her expressionless. The goddess of family recoiled and decided not to question her again.

Hades raised an eyebrow at her eldest sibling. Hestia caught his eye and lifted a letter up. He widened his eyes and got up from his throne making his way towards her. "Is it really from him?" He asked hopefully. She nodded her head and stared at the letter in her hand. She opened it gingerly as she took the piece of parchment out.

'Dear mother,' The first two words and Hestia was tearing up already. "It's from him," she said happily.

'I haven't written in a long time because many things happened and I'm really sorry. I miss you and I hope that you can forgive me.'

Hestia continued reading as he explained everything that had happened leaving out names in the letter. 'I don't know how to say but...I won't be writing for another long time again. I have my reasons. I'm really sorry. I love you and maybe I'll visit home in the future. Tell Uncle Hades and Athena that I missed them too.'

Hestia turned to face Hades and smiled shakily. "My baby," she said and dabbed her eyes gently. Hades smiled softly and hugged her.

"It will be alright. Besides, he's joining the universe's most powerful army," he said. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Aunty? Uncle? What happened?" They both turned to look at the goddess of Wisdom. Hestia beckoned her forward and she sat beside her. "He finally wrote," she said and handed him the letter. Athena took it gingerly and read it. At the end of the letter, she teared up and looked at them.

"He's okay, right?" She asked. Hestia sighed and hugged her. "Yes, dear." Athena sighed in relief and relaxed.

The other gods present were confused but didn't dare ask them. After what happened almost two centuries ago, the three gods almost never appeared on Olympus unless it was important. Especially, this day.

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