- Eleven: What a wonderful world~ -

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Guess who's back? I'm here for your entertainment. ;)


One more hour to go, Renegade thought as he sighed. He left his room and walked outside of the palace. He went into the forest to calm his beating heart. Why was he so anxious? He kept glancing at his clothing to see if he had dressed properly or if he remembered the dancing steps. It's not like he was trying to impress anyone right?

The assassin let out a sigh as he leaned onto his chair. He had delivered the letter via the blue flames he created. He felt himself relax after writing that letter to his mother. It made him feel like he was finally honest with someone.

There was only thirty minutes left before it started. He decided to be the early bird and made his way to the ballroom. Golden and purple banners hung the walls making them look vibrant. Brightly lit chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There wasn't much people in there yet.

He walked towards the few servants helping to set up the food. He recognised the lady, Amelia, helping. She was the head of organisation making sure everything was ready. He walked towards the food stand and eyed the miniature cupcake. Just as he grabbed it, Amelia turned around.


He laughed and shoved it into his mouth. She glared at him and hit his head half heartedly. "You are not suppose to eat them yet," she scolded. He pouted and crossed his arms childishly.

"But I'm hungry. Haven't eaten since this morning," he said chewing on the cupcake. Amelia rolled her eyes and slapped his outreached hand away.

"No." He sighed dramatically and placed a hand over his heart.

"If I die, you're at fault," he said and pointed at her. She rolled her eyes but a smile was plastered on her face. He left - not stealing anything, mind you - and walked to the back of the castle. The familiar neighing sounds of horses were heard once he was near the stables. He pushed the door opened and smiled.

The pegasus trotted happily in their stables at the sight of the assassin. He walked towards the brown one with white mane and patted his forehead gently. "Hi, Nightmare. How are you?" He asked and in return was a high neighing sound.

"I'll come by later," he said. The Pegasi leaned into his touch and snorted at him. Renegade rolled his eyes and walked back into the castle through the back.

Sure enough, there were many people in the ballroom already. He entered easily and walked towards the buffet stand. Amelia was still there and this time, he grabbed the food without being hit. She chuckled as he walked off to another corner of the room. He found Wayword leaning against a pillar staring at everyone.

"Not joining the party?" Renegade asked and handed him a glass. Wayword took it gratefully and lifted it to his lips.

"Not a big fan of celebrations," he answered. Renegade chuckled.

"Me too," he said. The assassin spotted Chaos greeting the others and applauding them for winning. He couldn't help but stare at the primordial. His black hair slicked back making him look regal. His silver eyes twinkling with life every time he blinked. It was something he never got tired of seeing.

Wayword saw the look on his face and sighed exasperatedly. Renegade was smart and incredible but there were times where he was incredibly oblivious. Love for example. Wayword notices the lingering looks they give each other. Neither of them noticing though. It was getting on his nerves the more time he saw the both of them together.

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