- Three: Possibly an ally -

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Here's another chapter. The top is Percy's new weapon. Magnificent isn't it?

 Magnificent isn't it?

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


A few days later, Percy arrived on Mivurn. He walked around one of the kingdoms and was greeted with many kind people. It had been a long time since he talked to someone new. It was refreshing.

Percy decided to ask someone where he could stay for a while. "Down the street to the left, there's a shop owner who can let you stay," he said kindly. Percy thanked him before leaving.

At the end of the street was a run-down looking building, but when he walked in, it was rather beautiful. The walls were painted grey and it gave off a homey vibe. Percy pulled his hood down and walked to the owner.

He got a three-room apartment and decided to stay for a while. For three months, it was peaceful. He mastered his shadow travelling and fire bending. In the beginning, it was tiring, but after a while, he got used to it and didn't feel tired. It came to him as easily as his control of liquids.

He even mastered his archery skills with one of the archer's help in the kingdom. They were rather patient and kind towards him despite the countless incidents. He had mastered every weapon in the kingdom and was the best. Swords, daggers, archery, et cetera. He had fought alongside the king's army leaving glory and fame along his trail.

Riptide was returned to its original owner long ago. He was gifted with another sword by his mother. Quinten - the sword's name - has only ever been wielded by five swordsman, him being the fifth. Thus, the name. It was made of celestial bronze and titanium both very strong metals. He could extend and retract the sword by opening his palm. In its retracted form, it is a ring that he wore every time.

During his stay in Mivurn, he had a few encounters with thieves and other highwaymen, but they soon learned not to mess with him. Everything seemed to finally go his way.

One day, Percy decided to take a stroll downtown. Great idea right? He walked down the streets with his hood down and greeted the people around. He caught something in the corner of his eyes and glanced sideways slightly. He used the water vapour in the air to feel his surroundings. There were six unfamiliar presence around him. Three were hiding in plain sight while the other three were hidden in the shadows.

He shrugged it off not thinking much about it. He walked to one of the shops he always visited. "Aye, welcome back, lad," the butcher man said to Percy. The son of Hestia smiled and did his rounds before walking away.

As he walked, the six figures started following him. He raised an eyebrow but his footsteps didn't falter. He turned into a corner into the woods where he always trained. The six figures stood a few feet away from him hiding in the shadows. Percy stretched his hand out and Quinten extended.

He swung it a few times in familiarity before suddenly hurling it at a tree. It embedded itself an inch away from the figure's face. Percy crossed his arms and stared at them emotionlessly. "Why are you following me?" He asked calmly. Five of them tensed. The one nearest to the sword chuckled and stepped out of the shadows. He wore a hood that covered his face except his mouth. He pulled out the sword and spun it expertly. 

The son of Hestia stayed rooted in his position and glared at the person. The man however, simply smiled and looked at him. "We heard that someone had been terrorising the ambushers around here. Something about a skilled swordsman scaring them off," he said smoothly. Percy raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't scare them off," he said defensively. The man chuckled and a gleam appeared in his blue eyes underneath the hood.

"I didn't say it was you," he mused. Percy snorted at the man.

"You wouldn't be here then," he said deadpanned. The man handed the sword back to Percy which he took gratefully. He let it shrink back into his ring. The man circled him and observed the boy. He was lean and well trained. Obviously not from around here or else he would know who they were.

"How about you let me train you?" He decided after a while. Percy raised an eyebrow. He weighed the pros and cons. What were the pros? The man in front of him was obviously skilled and well trained. He could help him improve and better himself. Everything pointed in the right direction.

What about cons? He didn't know the man or what he wanted exactly because well, nothing came for free. He didn't know his intention but the man didn't seem to be trying to harm him. So he chose the former.

"Okay." The man looked up a little surprised but quickly covered it up.

"But, no strings attached," Percy said. The man chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "The five other men?" He asked and gestured to his surroundings. The man cocked his head in amusement and waved his arm. All five vanished soon after as if they were never there. Percy relaxed slightly and he smiled.

"How long have you been here?" He asked. Percy snorted. Now they were getting sappy.

"Six months," he said. His instincts told him that he could trust this man and his instincts were never wrong. The man nodded his head in acknowledgment and unsheathed his own sword. "Show me what you've got," he said.

Percy stretched his hand out and smiled wickedly. "Gladly."


After six dreadful hours, Percy collapsed on the floor panting heavily. He felt his bones scream in exhaustion as he lied on the ground. The man chuckled and glanced down at him. He was barely sweating and he smiled at Percy. The son of Hestia glared halfheartedly at him.

"How are you still not tired?" He asked in between breaths. He sat up and looked up at him.

The man chuckled and sat down beside him. "Practice. We train everyday so we will not fall behind," he said casually. Percy nodded his head. Right, he was from a group of assassins. They were trained to be the best and top notch no matter the circumstances. The man told him who he was and what he did. His name was Wellington and he worked in a group of assassins. The most feared group in the entire universe.

Percy wandered what it was and he felt a part of him wanting to go with him. Wellington seemed to understand what he was thinking. "When you're ready, I'll bring you there," he said. Percy's eyes lit up brightly and smiled.


The assassin chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "A few more practices and you'll meet them," he said promisingly. Percy smiled and stared into the distance. This might just be the break he needed to escape from his past.

The Creator's Loverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن