- Thirty-nine: Revelation -

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Wait, I just realised. Did I even describe how Wayword looked like? I'm confused. Can you guys tell me if I did and where? If not then I'll do it soon.




Hestia was delighted when she saw her son, but that quickly changed when she saw him in the Creator's arms. She got down from the hearth and rushed towards them. Poseidon felt a pang in his chest as he watched his son lying unconscious.

What happened?

"Percy?" She reached out tenderly and stroked his tear-stricken face.

A pained expression on his face even while he was asleep. Hestia stared at Chaos for answers but he shook his head. "Get Michael to the infirmary," he said. Hestia nodded her head and watched as Chaos carried her son away.

Soon, the Elite warriors apparated in the throne room. "Chaos requested your help," Hestia said to Michael. He nodded his head and apparated again.

"What happened to my son?" Hestia demanded from the first-in-command.

Luke glanced at the others as they nodded their heads.

"He lost his wings?"

Hestia covered her mouth in shock and sadness. They were a part of him and now they were ripped away.

She wanted to shut the whole world out for him so that he wouldn't be harmed anymore. One more time and she was going to kill everyone who ever tried hurting him.

"Lady Hestia." Her eyes snapped up and Luke had a concerned look on his face.

It was then she realised that the room temperature had increased drastically. She calmed herself down and the temperature returned to normal. "Apologies," she said before they continued.

"What will happen to him now?" Silena asked worriedly.

Everyone shook their heads not knowing the answer too. Hestia sighed and rubbed her temples tiredly. "For now, we'll let Percy rest. He's already in much pain," she said finally. They nodded their heads in agreement before departing.



Renegade sighed and shut the book he was reading and looked up at the innocent-looking Earthling.

"I'm bored."

The assassin rolled his eyes before throwing a pillow at him. "Go entertain yourself," he grumbled before opening his book again.

Wayword huffed before crossing his arms. Suddenly, an idea popped up into his head. He grabbed a piece of paper and started scribbling on it. Renegade rolled his eyes and continued his reading.

He heard a sizzling sound and peeked up from his book. Wayword stood at the fireplace with a wicked grin on his face rather than a look of boredom. The assassin eyed him suspiciously before asking, "What did you do?"

Wayword shrugged before resuming his wicked grin.

Three minutes later, a knock was sounded at the door. Renegade raised an eyebrow and looked at Wayword. The other shrugged but a ghost of a smile appeared on his face.

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