Part 21

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#Thank you monalisasahu123 for the beautiful cover for my story. Love you, dear.

The pub had fallen into an eerie silence, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere it had a moment ago. People gaped at the unfolding conflict as if they were frozen in time. Mike seethed with anger, his grip on Stella's arm unyielding. Stella was disoriented, caught in the middle of this chaotic situation, her senses overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.

The guy who had been struck by Mike staggered in pain, his hand reaching up to wipe the blood that had begun to flow from the corner of his lips. He winced in discomfort and managed to mutter through the pain, "What the bloody hell?"

He was on the verge of attacking Mike, but just as he was about to strike, Robin stepped in between them, holding him back to prevent further violence from erupting.

Robin wasn't sure what to say, but he possessed the unique ability to regain control of situations through his choice of words.

"Stella, Mike was so worried about you," Robin said, realizing that Stella was not in her right state of mind but attempting to restore normalcy to the situation.

He then pointed towards the other guy and spoke very casually, as if nothing had just happened, "Hi, buddy! This is Robin, and we are extremely sorry about that. Believe me, we had no intention to hurt you. Mike was just really concerned about Stella, and he lost his temper."

Mike appeared confused and turned to Robin, saying, "What the hell are you talking about, Robin? You have no idea what this guy's intentions are!!!" He then redirected his attention towards the other man.

"Are you Mike then, and you're the reason she's here!" he smirked and turned to Robin. "I don't think he's capable of taking care of her!"

"Just shut up and stay away from her," Mike retorted, his anger still burning. He tightened his grip on Stella's hand.

Again, Robin interrupted, "We should leave now." He could certainly feel the tension in the air. Before things got worse, he decided it was best to get Mike out of this place, at least away from this stranger.

But that guy behaved completely differently. He said, "Yeah, you all should...but we will meet soon," and then he grinned as if something was brewing in his mind.

Mike was seething with anger and left the place with Stella, his grip still strong on her. Suddenly, Stella came to her senses and shouted at Mike to release her as his grip was so tight that it was hurting her hand.

"Let go of my hand, Mike. You're hurting me! What on earth are you doing here? Go be with your beloved Jennifer. Why did you even come here? Who do you think you are in my life?" Stella yelled, her emotions finally breaking free, her face reflecting the anger she had tried to conceal for so long.

Once again, Mike found himself captivated by Stella's eyes, his anger momentarily forgotten. He was torn by confusion and regret. Why did he lie and make her jealous? He was afraid of losing Stella. The image of her face when she left the dinner table haunted him. He yearned to find her and hold her tightly, hoping to erase the pain he felt.

Mike tried calling her repeatedly, telling himself, "Answer, Stella!" When she finally answered, the noisy pub drowned out their conversation. Despite the circumstances, he knew where she was. However, when he located her, he was taken aback by the scene – Stella was drunk, in the company of a stranger. This sight left him feeling lost and overwhelmed.

Stella was eager to hear an answer from Mike. She demanded, "Tell me, Mike. You're not usually the silent type. And I'm the last person in your life that you'd want to be around. So, why are you here?"

Mike struggled to find the right words amid the chaos in his mind. But Riana intervened, scolding Stella for her reckless behavior. "Stella, what were you doing over there? Have you lost your senses? You're intoxicated, and with a stranger, no less! If anyone saw you like this, we could be sent back home, and we'd risk suspension from our school."

Robin intervened, "You can scold her once we're in the room. If anyone sees Stella in this state, we're all in serious trouble."

Riana concurred and urged, "Yes, that's a good idea. Let's go, Stella."

However, Stella had no intention of returning to her room without the answers she had sought from Mike just a few minutes earlier. She was determined and unafraid, demanding only one thing: an honest response. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and she wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Riana, you go ahead! I asked Mike something, and I won't budge without an answer," Stella asserted her position firmly. She had an unyielding determination in her eyes that surprised Mike. He had never seen Stella so confident.

"Stella, you can ask tomorrow. For now, please, let's leave this place for goodness' sake," Riana pleaded with Stella, hoping to persuade her to go. The situation was already tense enough, and they didn't need more trouble.

"I need an answer, Mike. Tell me, why were you so tense when you couldn't find me?" Stella insisted, her gaze unwavering.

Mike struggled to find the right words. It wasn't easy to explain, and part of him didn't want to share. But eventually, he responded, "You're my partner. If something had happened to you, it would reflect on me. I could have been sent back home, and I don't want that."

Tears welled up in Stella's eyes as she absorbed Mike's response. Her emotions overwhelmed her, and her tears flowed freely. It was as if her heart and mind were in sync, and she couldn't control the surge of feelings. She didn't even know what she had been expecting from Mike.

In a choked voice, she turned to Riana and said, "Let's go."

Riana and Stella both left without looking back, and Mike was left behind, regretting making her feel bad... again!

#Thank you for reading this chapter.

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