Part 4

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Now everything is normal. I have already regretted having those conversations with my mother which made her so sad. So managing the situation I am trying to add some humor in our conversation like nothing has happened.

"Mom, are we preparing for a royal feast or something?" I playfully quipped, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

Her eyebrows raised in curiosity, a hint of amusement dancing in her expression. "What do you mean by that?"

Suppressing a chuckle, I marvelled at her cuteness. "I mean, the kitchen is bustling like it's hosting a culinary championship. Your cooking is legendary, but it's like you're battling for a Michelin star," I teased, prompting a shy smile to grace her lips.

Laughter filled the air, the tension dissipating. "Oh, come on now! I'm just a bit nervous. They're important guests after all. Your father's friend and he are meeting again after so long."

With a wink, I continued, "Well, if the food is this extravagant, they might just decide to move in."

A warm chuckle escaped her lips. "Let's hope not!"

One thing that intrigued me was the story behind my father's friend who was reuniting with my dad after a considerable span of time.

"But mom, how did my father and his friend manage to reconnect after so many years? Weren't they in touch?" I bombarded my mother with a flurry of questions, my curiosity piqued and my mind swirling with confusion.

"There's a story behind it," she said with a mysterious smile, "but now isn't the right time. I'm swamped with cooking, dear." Her eyes twinkled with a hint of intrigue, leaving me even more eager to unravel the untold tale.

I pleaded with my mother, my hands clasped together in front of her, my eyes wide with anticipation. "Please, Mom, just a little hint. You've already prepared everything, and there's still plenty of time before they arrive. Don't let this suspense drive me crazy." My voice was a mixture of excitement and impatience.

"Ask your father. Now I don't have time at all," my mother replied briskly, her attention fully focused on the culinary tasks at hand.

I went straight to my father who was sitting in the hall, his excitement palpable on his face as he eagerly awaited the arrival of his long-lost friend.

Without a second thought, I directly posed the question to my father about his friend.

My father smiled, clearly excited to share the story. He began, "There was a long time ago when Willam and I were the best buddies in our college. Most of the people admired our friendship, while some were jealous. I belonged to a middle-class family, and he came from a very poor family. But he managed to draw attention with his intelligence and the killer attitude he possessed. In college, he often told me that he wanted to do something so that people would follow him, rather than him following others."

"After getting our degrees, I landed a job in the government, while at the age of twenty-two, he moved to a place far from Venoras (the current city where we are staying now). Eventually, we lost all contact. But when he returned, he wasn't just an ordinary man anymore. He came back as a billionaire entrepreneur! He married the girl he had been in love with since college. Unfortunately, his wife passed away after giving birth to a son. The news left him heartbroken, and those who knew him were deeply saddened by his loss. Despite the tragedy, he refused to be weakened and worked tirelessly, proving that a strong will can overcome any obstacle. You know what's best about him?" My father asked me with great pride.

My curiosity was ignited by this legendary life story. I hungered for more details about him, so I inquired with intrigue, "What?"

"He never allowed any other woman into his life after his beloved wife's passing. He gives equal importance to both his work and his only son. I heard he enrolled his son in your school," my father added.

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