Part 20

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Stella's confusion about whether to accept the drink from a stranger was understandable. She decided to take a moment to assess the situation and the person offering her the drink.

Stella's smile was forced, and she glanced at the shot, realizing that she had put herself in a precarious situation. This was a new experience for her, and she felt a mix of emotions being at this wild party with a complete stranger who had an enigmatic grin on his face.

She was unaware of her emotions, especially considering Mike's confession to Jennifer and the fact that he had kissed her.

"What am I doing? Have I gone crazy?" she thought to herself.

"Mike, what have you done to me? Your rudeness makes my body shiver with anger, but at the same time, your closeness with Jennifer burns my senses, preventing me from thinking straight."

She repeatedly asked herself in her mind, and the more she thought, the more she felt pain in her heart and mind simultaneously.

Unintentionally, she shouted full of anger while looking at the shot, "I hate you, Mike!"

The guy who had been giving her a suspicious smile was astounded by the sudden change in her expression.

"Hey, are you okay? And who...?," He was asking with a confused expression on his face, but Stella interrupted and said, "Mike," seething with anger, and drank the alcohol in one shot.

Her expression after drinking alcohol changed as if she had just tasted something incredibly bitter.

She said, "Ugh..." in disgust and asked him, "How do you all manage to drink this awful-tasting thing?"

"You'll learn the magic behind it later, but first, who is Mike?" the guy inquired.

"Famous Mike," Stella emphasized, making sure her point was clear.

She was feeling lighter than ever in her life.

"What has he done to you?" he asked curiously.

"Can I get another shot, please?" she requested as if he were her childhood friend.

"Yeah, sure," he replied and ordered another one.

"No, please, two."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Here you have two shots of tequila."

She drank both shots without thinking twice.

"So now you know how it tastes!" he said, trying to convey what it feels like to drink for the first time.

"That's bitter... but it feels amazing," she replied, her voice taking on a playful and childlike tone as if she had just received a piece of candy.

"You know, everyone thought I couldn't make friends, but look at you! You've become my best friend on our very first meeting," she continued, not acting quite like herself, as the effects of the alcohol quickly took hold, making her emotions bubble to the surface in a playful manner.

"So thank you...," she thought, realising she hadn't asked for his name.

"Hey, what should I call you? I don't know your name, so how can I thank my best friend?" Her guilt was apparent as the corners of her mouth drooped, and her eyes formed an arch in the middle.

"Excuse me," a stranger suddenly appeared, interrupting their moment, their expression filled with concern.

"Please leave her alone. I know her," the stranger interjected, attempting to ensure Stella's safety. He then made an effort to escort her away from the situation. Stella, softly speaking, added, "Don't worry, I'm..."


A loud clap of thunder interrupted their conversation.

Even amidst the deafening music, Mike managed to capture the attention of both.

He hurriedly approached Stella, his face clearly displaying anger and tension as he saw her in her current state.

"What are you doing here, dammit? Are you mad? Do you have any idea how many times we've called you?" Mike blurted out in anger as if he were the only guardian responsible for her.

Stella was already out of control, struggling to focus her gaze on Mike.

"Hey, you look like Mike...," she mumbled in her intoxicated state.

Within a second, he grabbed her arm and began pulling her away from the place where she was seated.

"Stop it, Mike! Don't..." Stella protested, her voice trailing off as Mike continued to drag her away.

"Hey, who are you?" The stranger tried to intervene and rescue Stella from Mike by blocking their way.

Mike, with his bloodshot eyes, stared at him and muttered angrily, "Stay out of my way."

"No, I won't. Until I'm sure about who you are and where you're dragging her," the stranger responded with the same determination.

"Leave us alone, you freaking asshole," Mike growled at the stranger and punched him in the face.

The dance floor fell silent, with everyone's attention now on the unfolding drama. Stella was disoriented, trying to grasp the events transpiring around her. She felt overwhelmed and vulnerable in the middle of the crowd.

Riana and Robin arrived, their eyes widening as they assessed the scene before them. They were taken aback by the sudden tension and violence that had erupted.

#Hope you guys like this chapter. 

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