Part 11

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Stella proverb:

"Are you sure you can handle it, Stella?" Riana asked me with concern over the phone while I was on my way to the 'monster's' home in the car.

"Yeah, don't worry. I have a plan," I assured her, trying to convey that I had things under control.

"What are you going to do? I'm sorry I can't help you right now; my mother is really angry with me," she said with regret.

"You don't have to. I'm okay. I've decided to go in there silently, so nobody will notice me. I'll just give the packet of sweets to his maid and leave his home as soon as possible," I explained. I knew my plan was simple, but I hoped it would work.

"Okay, Stella, I hope your plan works. I have to hang up now; Mom's calling. But don't forget to call me if there's any problem, okay?" I could hear the concern in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah! Okay, you go," I replied before hanging up. I was feeling incredibly nervous and missing Riana badly. My heart was pounding fast, and I even had a headache. I wished I could vent my emotions by yelling at someone.

Finally, I arrived at the building. When I got out of the car, I couldn't help but doubt my presence there. I was awestruck, my mouth hanging open. This wasn't just a building; it was practically a mansion. I couldn't help but think that my entire home could fit into a tiny corner of this mansion.

"Stella, I'll park the car here. When you're ready to leave, just give me a call," Uncle Deon, who had been our driver since long before my birth, informed me. I usually call him D.

"You just wait here. I'm coming, D," I said before heading into the mansion.

"Yes, Ma'am! Who do you want to meet?" the security guard asked me at the gate.

Oh God! If I told him I had come to meet Mike, he would be informed, and my plan wouldn't work. So I decided to hand the parcel to the security guard and leave the house immediately.

"Ummmm...could you please give this parcel to Mike?" I asked him politely.

"Sorry, Ma'am, but we can only accept parcels if the owner authorizes them. Could you please tell us your name first?" the security guard inquired.

Now I am really frustrated.

"So, is Robert Williams here?" I inquired with the guard.

"No, Ma'am, he's not here," the guard replied.

"Alright, could you please call him to check if he can accept the parcel from me? And mention that I'm Stella, the daughter of Daniel," I requested, hoping to involve Uncle Williams but not Mike.

"Okay, you're Miss Stella?? Ma'am, please come in! I apologize for making you wait for so long!" the guard suddenly pleaded.

"It's okay, no problem! I understand it's your duty. But I can't come inside; I'm in a bit of a hurry. Can you please just give this parcel to Mike?" The only thing on my mind was to leave the place as soon as possible.

"No, Ma'am. You have to come in first. That's the order from inside. We can't do anything about it," the guard requested.

"Alright! But please, don't tell Mike that I'm here. I want to surprise him," I said, putting on a fake smile to make it appear genuine.

"Okay, Ma'am," he agreed and led me inside the mansion, a place I had never imagined I would set foot in.

With every step I took inside, the loud and thumping music from the house became clearer. I was trembling at the thought of being seen by anyone.

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