part 12

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Mike proverb:

"Please, Robin, just give me some space. I don't need this drama right now," I said, my frustration clear in my frown. He had been bombarding me with the same questions, and I didn't have any answers to offer him.

"Why are you suddenly so depressed? You were the one who wanted this, and you even planned it!" He seemed completely taken aback by my sudden change in behaviour.

"That wasn't my plan to push her into the water!" I retorted with the same intensity.

"But you've already made her situation worse!" he shot back, providing an answer I didn't want to acknowledge. I don't know what has happened to me. Just thinking about her and what she faced makes me feel guilty, but I still don't want to accept it. How can Mike ever accept something when he's clearly in the wrong?

"I don't think that was sufficient for him! Just want to kill that bloody loser", I growled angrily, avoiding Robin's questions. Just wanted to kill that bastard who pushed Stella into the pull.

"Do you like her?" he asked.

"What rubbish are you talking?!" I retorted.

"Yes, I saw the fear in your eyes when you saw that she was drowning in the pool, and you almost..."

I intervened by saying, "But her bodyguard jumped to rescue her!"

Yes, neither you would be in her place.

I don't care, Robin. What matters to me is that she was saved!

"Yes, that's what I wanted to tell you for the past hour, buddy! She's safe, and everything is back to normal," he said, trying to reassure me.

"Just leave it, Robin. I'm not in the mood to talk. Now stop with the nonsense," I replied, not wanting to accept his reassurances.


"Oh God, Robin! Didn't you hear what I just told you?? Just leave me alone, for God's sake! But before you go, remember this: She means absolutely nothing to me. I don't care about her feelings, her thoughts, or anything else. Yes, I'm heartless, ruthless, or whatever she may have described me as. From now on, she's invisible to me!" My words trembled with anger and frustration.

I remained silent, and Robin approached me, patting me on the shoulder as he spoke. "From day one, I've never seen you so disheartened, not even when you broke up with Jennifer. Whatever it is, I don't care, but you need to get over it soon, or it'll drive you insane for sure!" His words carried a sense of concern and urgency.

I didn't want to prolong the conversation, so I chose to remain silent. Robin left my room without saying another word.

Why do I feel so guilty? Why wasn't I the first to help her? Why did I invite that awful guy to my party, the one who pushed her into the water? Why haven't I killed him yet? Why does she always make me feel so weak? She's just an ordinary girl like others, so why do I feel like I've known her forever? Why can't I forget her eyes filled with blame?

My heart stopped for a moment when I saw her drowning in the pool. I felt a wave of relief wash over me when I saw her eyes open after Riana rescued her from the pool. she's taken up every corner of my mind, making me restless. I keep pounding the boxing bag without gloves, inadvertently hitting myself.

"Mike, here's the parcel you wanted me to bring," I said, turning my gaze toward the voice.

It was Ramu Uncle, who had been living in our house long before I was born. So, he was like family to me, right after my father.

"Alright, Uncle, just leave it on the table and give me some space," I requested while continuing to pound the boxing bag.

"What have you done to your hand, Mike? It's bleeding! Hold on, let me grab the first aid kit," he exclaimed, clearly concerned, and quickly left to fetch the first aid supplies when he saw the blood on my hand, which was almost dripping onto the floor..

"Wait..." I tried to stop him, but he had already left and returned with a first aid kit.

But now I wanted to hurt myself so that I could feel less guilty about what I had done to her.

"Nothing happened, Ramu Uncle. It's just a small wound, it'll heal on its own," I requested him not to apply a bandage to my palm.

He remained silent, bandaging my hand without paying any attention to my request.

"Are you listening, Ramu Uncle?" I asked again, wanting to ensure he heard me.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke?" Finally, he opened his mouth while giving the final touches to my injuries.

Then I remained silent for a few seconds and said, "Please, uncle, don't say this to Dad!"

My anger was now subsiding, and somewhere I knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

"So now you realize that what you've done isn't heroic at all! I won't tell him, but remember, when you try to hurt yourself, you're hurting your own people. If that were the best solution to overcome your problems, then your father wouldn't be in the position he's in now. Whatever problems he's faced in his life, if you were to compare them to your own, they would be like a single grain of sand." I remained silent, letting him finish, as I felt his words. In my mind, I made a firm decision never to hurt her again.

After Ramu uncle left the room, having consoled me, I turned my attention to the parcel on the table. It was covered in golden paper and lay in the corner of the room. Despite my wounded hand, I attempted to open it.

I love sweets! The pleasant aroma wafting from the parcel made me forget the entire incident that had been haunting me, easing my restlessness.

I grabbed one sweet from the golden wrapper and popped it into my mouth. Mmm! It's hard to put into words how light, crispy, and delicious it is. I can taste the subtle flavour of cardamom too. These sweets have a magic touch, making my day a bit brighter, even though it didn't turn out as expected.

# Thank you all for reading this chapter.

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