Part 9

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Mike proverbs:

"What were you doing there?" I questioned Jennifer with a hint of irritation in my voice.

"What do you mean, 'what was I doing there'? Just because of whatever happened between us doesn't mean we've broken up. Who does that bloody bitch think of herself?" She was yelling, but I cut her off, growling in response.

"Stop Jennifer! Stop your bloody nonsense here and remember one thing we have broken up and you have no right to interfere in my business from now. You are lucky that I am letting you go without doing anything to you and now I have happily moved on and you do whatever you want in your life, but don't poke your nose in mine!"

"Do you honestly believe your love was real while mine was fake? Sweetheart, don't you trust me?" She asked dramatically, cupping my face in her hand.

I pushed her hands away from my face.  "Don't tell me that nonsense. I don't trust you. If I don't have then I must be happy now for letting you go in my life from long ago. I did trust you, damn it and thought you would be different from everyone here. I thought you were beautiful not just on the outside but within your heart as well. Why am I even saying this to you? It's probably pointless."

"I'm Mike. I'm not like the others, especially Stella, who's nowhere near your level and attempting to take advantage of you," Jennifer's jealousy was clear, or perhaps she was struggling to come to terms with the consequences of her own actions.

"Why can't you get it, Jennifer? Stella is my concern, not yours, and you have no right to interfere with her. In just a short while, I've come to see who's real and who's not. At least she's being honest with me. The emotions between us are genuine, unlike the feelings you claimed to have for me," I snapped, my frustration evident as I tried to get her to understand not to drag Stella into this.

"If you had any emotions for that junior guy Oliver, you should have been upfront with me from the beginning, and yet you're putting the blame on me for trust problems. I was furious when I caught sight of both of you being intimate," I shouted at her, my frustration leading me to strike the wall with my hand.

My eyes burned with anger as the scene replayed in my mind. And now she's seeking my sympathy? What on earth is happening!!

"I've already apologized to you countless times, what more do you want from me? I genuinely love you, Mike, and no one could ever replace you in my heart," she responded, her emotions taking over.

"You should've considered that before getting involved with that damn Oliver. If Teacher Jonathan hadn't intervened, he would've surely faced the consequences by now!" I cautioned her, making it clear what fate awaited anyone who dared to challenge my pride.

"It wasn't my intention, Mike. I've been attempting to explain myself ever since you ended things with me in the girls' bathroom, not even recognizing the situation you were putting me through. But since that day, you've been treating me like I don't exist. Please, Mike, allow me this one final opportunity to prove to you that my love is genuine. I truly love you with all my heart. Please..." She begged desperately.

"Enough, Jennifer. Do I appear foolish to you? There's no need for all this theatrics. I'm not someone who easily believes others, especially those who have betrayed me," I rejected her attempts at explanation, even though a part of me still held onto a glimmer of hope to trust her.

"Fine, if you're determined to hold onto that perspective, then go ahead. But know this, I'm not the kind of person to just give up on you, especially not for that girl Stella," she expressed with a mix of emotional distress. However, when she mentioned Stella, her eyes turned fierce and intimidating.

Her disrespectful remarks about Stella pained my heart, even though I couldn't understand why I felt the need to defend Stella from her. It was perplexing because Stella was someone I disliked for reasons I couldn't quite grasp. She was someone I claimed not to care about, yet I secretly sought her acknowledgement.

"Jennifer..." I began to express my disapproval, but she raised her hand, signalling for me to stop, and spoke, "I'm aware of what you're thinking, Mike, but that won't deter me." Pausing for a moment, she gazed into my eyes with tears and then turned away, walking off.

I let out a frustrated growl and once more struck the wall with my hand, the turmoil within me overwhelming. "I wished I could have pummeled that damn Oliver so mercilessly that he wouldn't ever wake up, not even in his dreams. Then I met someone's eyes, the one standing just a distance away from me.

"Stella," I sighed, wondering whether she had heard my entire conversation or not.

She appeared terrified and nervous.

We exchanged awkward glances, struggling to find the right words but we were at a loss of words. We both said sorry at the same time but she quickly interrupted me, stumbling over her words, "Oh, no, please. I mean... I don't... you know... I don't want to bother you. But what's wrong? Why are you hurting yourself?"

I felt relieved that she hadn't overheard my conversation with Jennifer. It was a relief. However, I couldn't help but notice how casually she was acting. Just a little while ago, we had argued, but now she seemed genuinely concerned about me. Was her concern genuine?

"I'd rather not discuss it," I replied, ignoring her.

"Yeah, I understand. Sorry to ask you," she stammered again.

I had an almost uncontrollable urge to burst into laughter, but I held it back, not wanting to give away my amusement. She seemed incredibly innocent, and I found myself wondering why I was forming positive thoughts about her. To inject a bit of humour, I playfully asked, "Are you being serious?"

"What?" she asked, clearly confused.

"I mean, you said sorry, right?" I asked, struggling to hold back my laughter.

"Yes! But..." she started to say, but I quickly interrupted her, saying, "No need to apologize. However, if you're feeling bad about it, you can come over to my place tomorrow evening."

"Why?" she asked, her expression turning concerned.

"Don't worry. I have a small party at my house so basically you are invited there and if you don't mind then you can come with your bodyguard. What's her name??? Yes! Ryana right. She's also invited and no need to thank me. I'm not sure if anyone has ever invited you to a party before, but don't stress about it. So, I'll see you at my place," I told her, not giving her a chance to respond as she seemed about to, and I left her to contemplate the offer, waving my hand before walking away.

# At least you guys know the reason behind the bathroom scene. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote below.

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