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Hyerin woke up to a familiar licking on her face. She smiled and hugged picked Kkami up, placing her on her chest.

"Hyunjin-ah," Hyerin attempted you wake her fiancé. She sighed and put Kkami on his face, letting her lick his face.

"Yah, not right now," Hyunjin complained.

"Hyunjin, don't make me get Haewon," Hyerin warned. Hyunjin ignored her and continued to sleep.

Hyerin sighed and got up from the bed. She walked over to their daughter's room. She knew she was awake because she could hear her bouncing in her crib. Hyerin picked her up, giving her a kiss on her head. After changing her diaper, she carried her to the room where Hyunjin was still sleeping.

"Do you wanna wake up daddy?" Hyerin asked her. The nine month old smiled brightly, which Hyerin took as a yes. She placed Haewon on Hyunjin's stomach and he instantly smiled.

"Hi, babygirl," Hyunjin mumbled sleepily to his daughter, his eyes still closed. Haewon laid down on Hyunjin's chest and Hyunjin hugged her.

"Haewon, you traitor," Hyerin tickled her. The infant giggled and gripped onto Hyunjin even tighter.

"She loves me more," Hyunjin teased. Hyerin rolled her eyes playfully and laid down next Hyunjin, cuddling close to him and their daughter.

"You know, the guys are coming over today," Hyerin reminded Hyunjin, to which he only smiled.

"What time is it?" Hyunjin asked her.

"A bit after 12," Hyerin answered him.

"Isn't this Haewon's first time meeting them?" Hyunjin asked. Hyerin nodded, picking Haewon up. "I'm sure they'll love her."

"They better. If not, I'll kick them out," Hyerin said, kissing her daughter on the nose, which caused another spurt of giggles to erupt from the girl.

"Aren't they coming over soon? Shouldn't we be getting ready?" Hyunjin sat up quickly.

"It's just them, they don't care," Hyerin reassured. "We should probably change out of our pajamas, though."

"They texted earlier saying that they're gonna be here in about an hour, which means about now," Hyunjin said with his phone in his hand.

"Okay, can you get Haewon some clothes, please? I need to brush my hair and change my clothes. I'll change Haewon while you get dressed," Hyerin said. Hyunjin nodded and went to Haewon's room to get her clothes.

Hyerin changed into a simple t shirt and jeans. She brushed her hair and washed her face, not bothering to put any makeup on. When it was Hyunjin's turn to get ready, she quickly changed Haewon and went downstairs with her.

"Are they here yet?" Hyunjin asked. Hyerin shook her head.

Knock knock knock

"Perfect timing," Hyerin said, handing Haewon to Hyunjin. She sped walked over to the door and opened it, to see the eight boys. She smiled at them and let them in. Lisa had also come with them.

They all greeted each other and Hyerin led them to the living room. She looked around confused when she saw Hyunjin and Haewon weren't in there anymore. She told everyone to make themselves at home and went off to look for the two. She found them in the kitchen, Hyunjin feeding Haewon.

"She was hungry, and I didn't want her to be grumpy," Hyunjin said as he fed Haewon a spoonful of food.

"Well, they're in the living room waiting for you two," Hyerin said with a smile on her face.

"Okay. Come on, Haewon," Hyunjin said as he picked her up. They all walked into the living room.

"Awwww, she looks like you both!" Lisa exclaimed. Hyunjin places Haewon on the floor in the middle of the room. Haewon sat and stared at everyone with a smile on her face.

"She has Hyunjin's eyes, but Hyerin's nose," Chan noticed.

"She's beautiful," Jisung smiles at the two.

"Isn't she?" Hyunjin smiled as Haewon crawled over to him, placing herself in his lap. Everyone cooed at how cute she was.

"She likes Hyunjin more than me," Hyerin pouted, crossing her arms.

"It's not my fault!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"Why don't we go out to eat? Has she ever been out to eat before?" Woojin asked.

"Nope, she's only had home cooked baby meals," Hyerin told them.

"Has she ever had fried Chicken?" Woojin asked again. Hyerin shook her head. Woojin gasped dramatically.

"She barely has any teeth, dummy," Seungmin pointed out.

"So, Lisa, you've graduated, right?" Hyerin asked. Lisa nodded.

"Yeah, now that you and Hyunjin are lit of the house, it's these two that won't let anyone sleep," Minho rolled his eyes. Jeongin and Lisa's faces turned bright red.

"Hyung, shut up!" Jeongin hit his shoulder, everyone laughing at the embarrassed couple.

"And poor Seungmin is still a virgin," Hyunjin teased. Seungmin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, a pout apparent on his lips.

"Okay, enough teasing. Let's go get some food and maybe we can take Haewon out to the zoo," Chan said.

The End

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