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Hyerin hated this. She felt like crying. She was being lead up the stairs with a guy she didn't know. She despised the thought of it.

"Yah! Johnny!" She heard from behind them. Johnny turned around and faced the man who screamed his name, an aggravated look on his face.

Johnny took Hyerin by the hand and dragged her down the stairs with him. They walked over to the very large group.

"What do you want? I'm a little busy here," Johnny nodded toward Hyerin.

"Who's that?" One of them asked. Johnny shrugged.

"I'm Hyerin," she introduced herself to the boys.

"Hyerin? Like, Lee Hyerin?" One asked. She nodded, eyeing him with a confused look on her face. "Oh my god," he whispered.

"You look just like mom," he said. Hyerin got more confused this time.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you," she told the guy.

"You wouldn't. You lost your memory after the accident with dad," he told her. She was getting scared now.

"I really don't understand," she said.

"I'm your older brother, Taeyong," he said with a smile, grabbing Hyerin's hands. Hyerin's eyes went wide.

"Well, I'm going upstairs with your little sister. She's really hot," Johnny said.

"Hey, chill out," Taeyong sounded slightly angry.

"It's fine," Hyerin told Taeyong, smiling at him. She didn't know if he was really her brother, but she needed to get through with the mission.

"See? It's okay," Johnny smiled, winking at Taeyong before dragging Hyerin back over to the stairs.

Hyerin looked back to where Hyunjin was and he was gone. She figured he also had to seduce his target. She felt like crying, but she couldn't. She had to keep reminding herself that it was part of the job. Then, she remembered something. As soon as she got Johnny alone in the room, she could press a button that had been strapped to her thigh. She sighed in relief and walked up the stairs with confidence. Once they got to the room, Johnny immediately started stripping himself of his clothes.

"Are you ready?" Johnny asked. Hyerin bit her lip seductively, nodding in response.

She went to touch her thigh, but Johnny's hand stopped her. She froze. Johnny laughed evilly, looking up at her with dark lust in his eyes.

"You really think I didn't see you with your boyfriend? I know that I'm someone you're helping them catch, but if you think that I'm not going to rip this dress off of you and fuck you, you have a completely different idea. You're mine right now, whether you like it or not, and your boyfriends can't help you. Now, be a good girl and get on your knees," Johnny told her, throwing her to the ground. Hyerin felt her eyes tear up. "Oh, and don't think of pressing that button, because if you do, I'll shoot you in that pretty little face of yours."


"Why hasn't she called in yet?" Hyunjin placed back and for th in front of the group. He had drugged Sana before they could do anything. She was tied up in the back of the car, but Hyerin hadn't called in yet.

"I'm sure she's just trying to make it seem real," Jeongin reassured him.

"She looked terrified going up those stairs. What if he found out that she's one of us?" Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair. "You should've given her a weaker target. Johnny's strong, he could restrain her easily."

The others had never seen Hyunjin in such a state. He was already against Hyerin doing this, but now she's not communicating with them.

"H-Hyunjin," Chan called over, looking at his phone.

Hyunjin walked over and saw why he was staring at his phone. There was a video from an unknown number. Hyunjin took the phone from Chan's hand and played the video.

"That's right, slut, cry for your boyfriends while you suck my dick. I'll send them this. I'm sure they'll love it," Johnny said in the video, pulling Hyerin's hair, forcing her head to bob up and down as she sobbed and choked.

The sight of the video made Hyunjin want to cry and kill Johnny at the same time. Rage filled his body as he threw the phone over to Chan, stomping near the stairs. The boys tried to stop him, but they couldn't. He ran up the stairs and into the room Johnny and Hyerin were in.

"Look who found us," Johnny said, smirking over to Hyunjin. Hyerin looked over in desperation at Hyunjin. There were tears streaming onto her face and she was now strapped to the bed, completely naked.

"Let her go, you bastard," Hyunjin pulled a gun out of his inner pocket in his coat.

"Or what? You'll shoot me? My whole gang will be after you and your girl," Johnny said.

"I have a brother in you're gang, dumbass," Hyerin said, feeling confident. Her confidence soon faded when Johnny struck her with his belt, causing Hyerin to let out a loud cry of pain. Then, Johnny gagged her.

"Let her go," Hyunjin pointed his gun in Johnny's direction. "Her brother wouldn't go after her. He's too kind for that."

"You don't know him," Johnny stated, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but I know that if he's like Hyerin, he cares about his family no matter what. So, let her go or I'll shoot you in a place that won't allow you to do this stuff to girls anymore."

"Fine. But I'll remember you and your bitch, and you'll be next on my list," Johnny said, taking the gag out of Hyerin's mouth and un-strapping her. Johnny quickly put his clothes on and went out the door.

"Hyunjinnie!" Hyerin cried, running toward her boyfriend and embracing him tightly.

Hyunjin kissed Hyerin on the top of her head and hugged her. He was more worried about the girl than anything. He pulled her away and held her shoulders, looking at all of the marks he left on her. Bruises and marks from his belt.

"Get dressed babygirl, we'll take care of your wounds when we get home, okay?" Hyunjin said, giving Hyerin a soft kiss. She nodded and put her clothes on, wincing every now and then from where she would hit a wound.

"Jinnie, I'm a mess, I don't want to show my face down there," Hyerin pouted, knowing her makeup and hair were a mess.

Hyunjin sighed, picking the girl up bridal style. She hid her face in his chest, that way at least her makeup wouldn't show. She just wanted to be at home, safe in her bed.

"I love you," he told Hyerin, giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you too," she said, smiling up at him.

"Let's go home and you can get some rest, okay?" Hyunjin asked. Hyerin nodded, moving her face back into his chest.

A/N He news about Woojin has made me cry many times. My mental health is kind of fucked right now, so I might go on a small hiatus. I have one more pre made chapter after this, but after that, idk how long it will be until I update next. Hopefully not long, I just really need to get my shit together. I love Woojin no matter what, and he will continue to be in this series, because they are still a family, and they will forever be nine or nine. I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from. This story will continue, just please be patient with me. Love you ❤

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