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"Boys, go clean up your rooms. We'll get a movie and some snacks set up in the living room," Chan told the seven boys. They all sighed and nodded, walking down the long hallway and into their rooms.

"So, what movie do you want to watch, Hyerin?" Woojin asked me. I looked at all the movies they had.

"Its up to you," I said, smiling at the two.

"In that case, do you like scary movies?" Chan asked me. My eyes widened slightly.

"Yeah, of course," I lied, keeping the smile on my face.

"We can watch a scary movie, then," Woojin grabbed an assortment of scary movies.

"We'll take a vote once everyone gets back in here," Chan said, looking at a few of the movies in Woojin's hands.

"Hyung, we're done. And here's a shirt, Hyerin," Felix tossed a large shirt to me. I thanked him and asked for directions to the bathroom. Chan told me, but I still got confused.

"Was it on the left or right?" I asked myself, looking between the doors. I bit my lip, trying to remember. I took a chance and went with the right. I got it right. SYKE.

"Ah!" Jisung and I yelled in unison. I had walked into him in nothing but pajama pants.

"Jisung, I-I'm so sorry. I just got lost and couldn't find the bathroom and I took a wrong turn and then I came in here and you were half naked and-"

"Hyerin!" Jisung cut me off. I tilted my head slightly, looking over to him with my eyes still big. "Its okay," He laughed out. I nodded.

"Again, I'm sorry. I'm gonna go change now," I said, closing the door to his room and quickly running into the bathroom across the hall. I sighed, putting the shirt that Felix had given me on. I kept my spandex on underneath. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the living room, where everyone had gathered.

"Okay, so we're going to be watching a scary movie, but we need to vote which one to watch," Woojin announced. I saw Jeongins eyes go wide.

"A scary movie?" He pouted. Woojin nodded, showing the group the options. They ended up choosing Annabelle. I didn't vote for the movie, since I have a slight fear of dolls. I looked for a spot to sit.

"Jeongin, can I sit by you? I don't like scary movies either," I asked the boy. He nodded, scooting over. I took a seat by him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I'm scared of dolls, so I hope you don't mind me hiding behind you at times."

"It's fine. We can get a blanket and we can both hide under it," he suggested, smiling.

"That sounds like a very good idea," I nodded and smiled.

"Channie hyung, can you get us a blanket?" Jeongin asked him. He nodded and got up, walking to Jeongin's room to grab a blanket for us. He brought it back to us, along with some popcorn. Then, the movie started.

Jeongin and I hid a lot. By the end of the movie, I was practically on top of him, hugging him as tightly as possible. He was also hugging me super tight, since he was scared, too. It wasn't every enjoyable experience. We also spilled most of our popcorn from jumping around so much. Now, it was finally over.

"Okay, Hyerin, you can sleep in here," Chan told me as he turned the TV off. I widened my eyes, a pout growing on my face.

"A-alone?" I stuttered. He looked at me with a confused look and nodded. "O-Okay. Sounds good." Everyone said their goodnights, until I was left in the dark living room alone. I tried closing my eyes, but I couldn't keep them shut for more than five seconds. I sighed and got up, walking to Jeongin's room. He was also still awake.

"Hyerin? Why are you in here?" He asked me, sitting up. I pouted, my eyes tearing up slightly.

"I can't sleep alone. It's too scary, so can I pretty please sleep with you? Just tonight?" I asked him. He nodded and made room for me on the bed. I thanked him and laid down next to him. I still tossed and turned a lot, which I think he noticed, because he snaked his arms around my waist and cuddled me. "Thank you, Jeonginie."

"It's no problem, Hyerin," He smiled at me, pulling my back a bit closer to him. He probably needed something to cuddle, too. We both drifted off into a peaceful, non scary, sleep.


"Get the fuck up!" Was yelled in my ear. My eyes shot open, only to see a gun pressed to my forehead by an unfamiliar man. I gasped loudly.

"Hyerin!" Jeongin said, getting ready to grab the gun from the man.

"Back off, or the bitch gets shot," The man said to Jeongin, pressing the gun closer to my forehead. He gulped and nodded, backing up. I felt tears fill my eyes. Why is this happening?

"Jooheon! Back off, she did nothing! She's not even apart of this whole ordeal," Chan told the man. When did he get here? And what ordeal? And how did he know this man?

"Yeah, but you guys care about her, so she's easy bait. Now, give me the money you owe, or I'll blow your bitch's head off," He said, yanking my hair, forcing me to stand up. I whimpered and looked at the boys for help.

"Seungmin, go check how much money we have in the vault," Seungmin looked to Chan in disbelief. "Now!" Chan raised his voice. Seungmin nodded and ran to the 'vault.'

"Good. Now, we just wait," Jooheon chuckled bitterly, yanking on my hair a bit more. What the hell is happening?

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