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I bit my pencil, focusing deeply on the paper before me. "Aha!" I mentally said, circling the final answer. I stood up with the paper in my hand, feeling more accomplished than ever. I walked up to the turn-in tray and placed my paper on top. Before I could get back to my seat, though, the speaker went off.

"Can Lee Hyerin report to the office please, Lee Hyerin to the office please." I looked a bit shocked. Was I in trouble? I don't remember doing anything bad. I looked down, a bit embarrassed, and grabbed my stuff, before walking to the office. I opened the door, peaking my head into the office, before fully walking in.

"Ah, hello, Hyerin," the principle said with a smile. Okay, so, I'm not in trouble.

"Hello, Mr. Chae," I smiled back, my nerves from earlier completely draining away. "What did you call me down for?"

"Well, you see, we have nine new students, and you've been at this school since you were a little girl, so I was wondering if you could just show them around?" He asked. I nodded at him

"Um, where are they?" I asked, looking around the room for the group of boys.

"They're running late, they were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago," he answered, looking out of his window. As if on cue, the nine boys walked into the office, looking around. They were all incredibly good looking. "Ah, here they are. Boys, this is Hyerin, she'll be showing you around the school all day today."

They each looked in my direction, looking me up and down. Maybe they were judging me? I suddenly felt insecure under their stares, having none attractive boys looking you up and down could either mean you're really ugly, or really pretty. That's what it meant in my mind, at least.

"Okay, come on, then," One with blonde hair said, nodding towards the door. I smiled and nodded, bowing at my principal before leading the boys out into the hallway.


"Can you talk as least as possible please?" The one with blonde hair said rudely.

"Chan hyung, don't be so rude to her! She's trying to be nice to us," one with squirrel-like features said, a slight pout on his face. The one I assumed to be Chan, sighed and filled his eyes.

"Okay, whatever," Chan crossed his arms, looking up and down at me again. "I'm Chan, that one that's all nice is Jisung. Our youngest, Jeongin, oldest, Woojin. The cat lover Minho, the freckle boy Felix. Dandy boy Seungmin, and the one with a triangle jaw is Changbin. Oh, and the lady killer, Hyunjin," they all wave at me, except for Hyunjin. He winked.

"Well, I'm Hyerin, nice to meet you," I smiled brightly at the boys. A few smiled back, a few didn't. "Anyway, let's get the tour started."

Time Skip, end of day

"And that's the football field. You guys should come to a few of our games. I cheer for them, so you won't be completely lonely. Or maybe some of you could join the team, you all have excellent bodies for it." I smiled at them again.

"We would love to, but we have more important things to do after school. In fact, we need to get going." Minho said, walking past me.

"Oh, okay. See you guys tomorrow," I said to them as they each walked by me. I got a few waves.

"Thank you for showing us around. Here's my number so we can talk outside of school," Hyunjin winked at me, handing me a small piece of paper. I giggled and nodded.

"Thank you, Hyunjin," I said before he runs off to catch up with the others. "They seem nice," I smiled to myself.

"Who are they?" A deep voice asks from behind me.

"Oh, they're new here," I answer Changkyun, smiling up at him.

"Cool, are you coming to practice today?" He nods his head towards the football field.

"After cheer practice, I might have time. I need to go collect homework and stuff, though," I said, sighing at the end.

"Well, hopefully see you there," He smiled down at me, reassuringly holding my hand. I smiled back up at him. Changkyun has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. He's always been there for me, and I've always been there for him, that's just how it is.

"Yeah, hopefully. I'll talk to you later," I said, giving him a small hug before walking off into the school. I walked into the locker room and got changed into my practice clothes. Today was a pretty good day.

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