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"I already told you, I'm not telling you anything," Sana said, looking up at the boys.

"That's not gonna work for us, babydoll," Chan leaned down to be eye level with the girl.

"I'm not your babydoll," Sana growled.

"Listen, babydoll, I don't think you understand. The quicker you tell us what happened to that woman, the quicker you leave," Chan said again.

"I know how this shit works, I'm not a kindergartner," Sana rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine. I'll leave you alone until tomorrow. Don't think about trying to escape, or I'm sure you know what happens," Chan said, standing up fully and walking out of the room, Jeongin, Woojin, and Seungmin following him.

"Are they still in there?" Chan asked Jisung as he closed the door.

"Yeah, I heard them talking earlier. God knows what they could be doing now," Jisung shuttered, remembering the traumatizing thing he saw.

Chan sighed and walked up stairs and over to their room. He knocked the door, confused when he didn't get a response. It didn't sound like they were doing anything. Chan twisted the doorknob, and to his surprise, it was unlocked. He smiled at what he saw.

Hyunjin and Hyerin were holding each other very close, both sound asleep. Hyerin has one of Hyunjin's shirts on Hyunjin had a very tight grip on her. Chan silently cooed at the boy he practically raised snuggling with someone so happily. He walked up to the two and put a blanket over the both of them. He walked out the door and closed the door silently.

"Oh, hey, hyung," Jeongin smiled sleepily at him from the couch. It was already later than he had usually stayed up.

"Jeongin, you know you can go to sleep, right?" Chan said to his younger.

"Yeah, but I want to help," He responded, rubbing his eyes.

"We're done with interrogating Sana tonight, you can go to bed," Chan smiles at him.

"Oh, thank you, hyung," Jeongin said, standing up and giving Chan a small hug before shuffling to his room.

Memories were flooding back to Chan to when he found Jeongin and Hyunjin. The two were no older than 11 and 12.


"Shh, Innie, there's someone coming," Chan heard a small voice say in an alleyway.

"Sorry, hyung," another voice whispered.

Chan froze where he was. He could tell that the two boys were young. Just by there vices.

"Hello?" Chan called into the alley. He heard the two gasp and saw two shadows run across the alley. "I won't hurt you, I want to help, I swear."

"Should we trust him hyung?" The younger one, Innie, asked.

"No, dummy, we can't trust anyone, remember?" A third voice emerged.

"Oh, sorry, unnie," Innie apologized.

"You know I can hear you, right? It's okay, you can trust me. I'm just like you," Chan told the three. The three whispered to each other, Chan not being able to hear them now. After a minute or two, three people walked forward.

"You don't look like a mean old man," the smallest said, son getting a punch to the shoulder.

"No, I'm not," Chan laughed lightly. "I'm only 14."

"We're 11, Jeongin is 10," the taller boy spoke up.

"What are you guys doing out here? Where are your parents?" Chan asked the small group.

"W-We don't have parents anymore," the girl said, growing teary along with the other two.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have parents either," Chan told the group. "What are your names?"

"I'm Jeongin," Jeongin said brightly.

"My name is Yeji, and that's my twin brother Hyunjin," Yeji said, pointing at the tall boy.

"Well, I'm Christopher, but you can call me Chan. You guys can come with me, I have a small place with food. You look to be starving," Chan said to them. They hesitated, but nodded. "I also have two friends living with me, one's about your age, his name is Jisung."


And that's how Chan started to take in other people. He was so grateful for that moment, and he still keeps it in his mind all the time. He loves his family.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked Chan, seeing as he was tearing up.

"Yeah, just some memories," Chan smiled at Minho. Minho nodded and also started heading down the hallway, but passed his room. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, uhm, to, er, help Jisung study?" Minho said nervously. Chan nodded suspiciously and Minho sped walked to Jisung's room.

"Changbin," Chan called out. Changbin walked out of his room.

"What?" He asked, a look of confusion on his face.

"Maybe you can do a better job at convincing Sana than me," Chan said, handing him a blade. "We need to stop going soft. Just because Hyerin is here, doesn't mean we can't get business done."

Changbin nodded, talking the blade from Chan. He walked down the stairs while Chan kept replaying what he had said. It was more to himself than to Changbin. They couldn't be soft for anyone or anything anymore. That's their job.

Hi I'm back. ^•^

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