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Hyerin sighed and rolled her eyes as her classmates chat to each other. Changkyun hasn't come to school that day and she was dreading every minute of it. He hasn't come to school for three days, but Hyerin just assumed he was sick.

Hyerin pulled out her phone and texted Changkyun for the tenth time that day. She hated being alone in the loud classroom. The teacher was practically never in there, so she couldn't do anything. Hyerin thought about walking out, but the cameras might see it.

"Hey, Hyerin," Jennie said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Hi, Jennie," Hyerin replied, paying no attention to the girl.

"So, I have a few questions. Can I sit?" She said, sitting down before Hyerin could give an answer.

"What?" Hyerin rolled het eyes again.

"So, first one, do you know where Changkyunie is? I know you guys are best friends and stuff so-"

"Nope, he won't respond to me," Hyerin answered.

"Ooookay, second question. There's a party tomorrow night at Seulgi's house, and I thought you might wanna come? You can bring Hyunjin and his friends, too," Jennie genuinely smiled at Hyerin, taking her aback.

"Uh, sure. We'll see what we can do," Hyerin said to Jennie.

"Oh and sorry about your mom," she patted Hyerin's shoulder before walking away.

The bell rang, causing Hyerin to jump. She wasn't paying much attention to the time, but she was relieved that it was time for lunch. She gathered her books and stood up, walking out of the classroom. Hyerin walked to he locker, putting her books away and making her way to the crowded cafeteria.

"Hey," Hyunjin smiled at her as she sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Hi," Hyerin smiled back, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Could you not do that? I'm gonna lose my appetite," Seungmin said, pretending to gag.

"There's a party tomorrow night at Seulgi's. Jennie invited us to it, so can we go?" Hyerin looked over at Hyunjin with a pout.

"What? You want to go to a party? You hate parties," Hyunjin said, looking shocked.

"I don't know, I just haven't been to one, and I want to know what it's like," Hyerin told him.

"I mean, yeah, I guess, if you want," Hyunjin shrugged.

"Yay, thank you," Hyerin smiled at her boyfriend. The others were too immersed in their own conversations to pay any attention to the two.

"Aren't you going to eat, Hyerin-ah?" Jeongin asked.

"No, I don't feel very well today," Hyerin answered, half way smiling at him.

"Really? What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, baby. I just don't have an appetite and my stomach hurts a little," Hyerin reassured.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hyunjin asked her, looking down at her stomach as if hinting at something.

"Hyunjin, we've talked about this," Hyerin whispered to him.

"I know, but you haven't gotten your period and you threw up this morning, I'm just worried, okay?" Hyunjin whispered back, pouting a bit at the end.

"You pulled out, it's not what you think it is, okay? Can you trust me on that?" Hyerin caressed his cheek. Hyunjin nodded at her, giving her a small kiss.

"Can we at least make sure? Buy some pregnancy tests and see?" Hyunjin asked.

"If that will make you feel better, then yes," Hyerin told him.

"Thank you," he smiled at her. She smiled back, not able to resist after seeing how happy he was.

"I love you," Hyerin said to him.

"I love you too," Hyunjin said, giving Hyerin a funny feeling in her stomach.


Hyunjin and Hyerin were both nervous as they waited for the three pregnancy tests to develop. Hyunjin was walking back and forth and Hyerin was staring at the tests while biting her nails.

"Hyunjin! Look!" Hyerin called as soon as she saw some sort of development. She picked up the box and read off of it. "One line means negative, two means positive."

The two watched closely at the tests. Their eyes were wide as the lines got clearer and clearer.

"Negative," Hyerin read one test.

"Negative," Hyunjin read the next.

"Negative! Ha! I told you!" Hyerin cheered. Hyunjin sighed in relief.

"Maybe after school ends and we get married, those can be positive," Hyunjin smiles at Hyerin. Hyerin blushed, pushing Hyunjin away from her. "I mean, with my face and your face, our children should be gorgeous."

"Hyunjin, stop," Hyerin said, covering her ears.

"I'm sorry, I just love you," Hyunjin told her, giving her a few pecks on her neck.

"Hyunjinnie, we have homework," Hyerin pouted, ducking away from him.

"Who cares?" Hyunjin said, grabbing her and kissing her deeply.

Hyerin wanted to walk away, but how could she? She wrapped her arms around his neck and his hand slid down to her waist. Hyunjin pulled Hyerin closer, which deepened the kiss. Hyunjin walked them both over to the bed and Hyerin sat down on his lap, one of her leg as on each side of his hips.

"Hyunjin, we can't right now," Hyerin said between kisses.

"Why not?" Hyunjin asked her.

"I already told you, we have homework," Hyerin told him.

"We can always do homework afterwards," Hyunjin smirked at her, bringing one of her hands up to her inner thigh, caressing it. Hyerin felt shivers go down her spine. He slowly moved his hand up, causing her eyes to go wide.

"Hyunjin, stop," Hyerin whined, squirming a little bit. Hyunjin bit his lip and leaned his head back as the loving had triggered something. Hyerin notices and stopped in her place, her eyes widening more.

"Don't stop," Hyunjin said, looking deep into her eyes. Hyerin blushed and slowly started to grind her hips against his.

"Yeah, just like that," Hyunjin moaned out, placing his hand back onto her hips. "You can be the top today, babygirl."

"Huh?" Hyerin tilted her head.

"I'll let you take control today. You can do whatever you want," he smirked at her.

"O-oh," Hyerin's face went blank as Hyunjin laid back. "But I've never-"

"I know, I just want to see how you are," Hyunjin said.

"Oh, uh, okay," Hyerin blushed and began to unbuckle Hyunjin's belt.


"They're doing it again?!" Jeongin asked, covering his ears.

"Be happy they don't do it more often. Two times in two months is pretty impressive for Hyunjin," Minho told him.

"Hopefully it will end quicker than last time," Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Stop talking about it! They're at least quieter, so we can just turn the TV up," Seungmin rolled his eyes.

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