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Seungmin rushed into the room holding multiple stacks of money. Holy shit. That has to be at least one million. I could tell they were rich, but didn't know they had this much money. How did they make it all? None of them had jobs as far as I could tell.

"This is the amount you wanted. Now, give the girl back, and we'll give it to you," He told Jooheon. Jooheon scoffed and rolled his eyes. Walking over and grabbing the cash. I was almost free, until I was grabbed again.

"Shes too pretty to let go. I think I mi grrr ht keep her with me," Jooheon smirked and tightened his grip on my wrist.

"Ch-Channie," I whimpered out, the pain in my wrist getting worse and worse by the second.

"Channie," Jooheon mocked in a high pitched voice, chuckling at himself afterwords.

"Please, we're not looking for a fight, Jooheon. She's an innocent girl. She's done nothing to you or anyone else," Chan pleaded, his eyes getting sad.

"Fine, take the bitch. She's too fat, anyway. We only take girls with good bodies," He said bitterly, right by my ear before throwing me onto the ground in front of the boys. I got up and went over to the boys, immediately hugging Jeongin. I looked back over to Jooheon, only to see that he was gone.

"Are you okay?" Chan asked me, pulling me into a hug as well. I hadn't even realized that I was crying until he wiped a tear from my face. I nodded, answering his question. "Let me see," he said, nodding towards my wrist. It was incredibly red.

"It looks like it's going to at least bruise," Minho said, walking closer to me. "Are you okay to talk?" He asked. I was still shaken up from the whole situation. "Okay, that's fair enough. This is your first encounter. I was just as shaken up as you the first time something like this happened to me." It's happened to him more than once?

"Minho, shut up," Changbin pushed the elder. Minho's mouth made an 'o' shape.

"W-What do you mean the f-first time?" I asked him, confused.

"Theres no point in hiding it from her anymore. She's already almost been killed," Felix shrugged, looking at all the boys.

"Tell me what?" I asked them.

"Well, you see, uhm-"

"We're a gang. Sort of a famous one," Chan cut off Woojin. I widened my eyes, taken aback by shock. It makes sense. The money, the man with a gun. "I understand if you don't want to hang out with us anymore."

"Why would you think that?" I asked him, shaking my head.

"Hyerin, we've killed people. It's dangerous to be around us," Hyunjin told me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"You guys obviously aren't bad. If you were, I would either be dead or kidnapped right now," I said to them. "Maybe you guys can teach me a thing or two about self defense."

"That sounds great, but it's four in the morning, so I'm going back to sleep," Hyunjin said, walking off to his room. We all agreed to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I just almost got killed, possibly kidnapped. My hands were shaking at the thought of Jooheon coming back.

"Hyerin, calm down. Its okay," Jeongin whispered to me, trying to calm me down by cuddling me again. I sighed and nodded my head, falling into a deep sleep. I was exhausted.


"Hyerin-ah," Jeongin shook me awake gently. I hummed in response, my eyes still closed. "Breakfast is ready," he giggled out. I nodded and pulled the covers off my legs, sitting up in the bed. Jeongin grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the kitchen.

"Good morning," Jisung said to me with a smile on his face.

"Good morning," I smiled back tiredly. I'll probably have to go back home after breakfast," I frowned a bit.

"Awww, you really can't stay?" Felix whined. The boys pouted.

"I have to go back to my house. I'll get changed back into my cheer uniform and give you back your shirt, Lix," I told him, about to turn to go to his room.

"No, its fine, you can keep it," He smiled at me.

"Thank you," I said and sat down at the table they were at. "So, what exactly do you guys, you know, work as?"

"Well," Chan began, "I'm the leader. I plan all the heists and stuff. Woojin and Felix scope out targets. Seungmin is in charge of money, he's really good at counting it quickly. Hyunjin is our con artist, thanks to his visuals. Jisung is our tech guy, believing it or not. Minho, Jeongin, and Changbin are the assassins. So, now you know," He told me. I stood there dumb founded. Who knew the guy that was terrified of scary movies just as much as I was could be an assassin? And that Jisung would be good at tech?

"Wow," was all I managed to get out.

"You don't hate us now, do you?" Jisung pouted, his squirrel like features turning sad. I shook my head.

"Of course not. Knowing you guys, I'm sure you don't kill good people. You don't have the hearts to do that," I said with a smile.

"It's still dangerous to hang out with us," Felix said, a frown now apparent on his face.

"So? You guys could teach me about self defense. Maybe one day I could even possibly join the gang?" I said, shrugging my shoulders a bit, a smirk on my face.

"Well, that sounds great and all, but-"

"If you're going to say I'm not qualified, trust me, I know," I interrupted Chan.

"Not only that, but you have a family," He told me, nodding towards the door.

"My mom? She hates me. Ever since my dad died, she just sorta neglected me. She said she'd prefer me had died instead of him," I told them, not thinking much of it. The words she said saddened me the first few times, but I'm used being blamed for my father's death.

"Oh..." Chan said. There was an awkward silence.

"I mean, she's pretty enough to be a con artist," Minho said, breaking the silence. "And her body is amazing as well," he added, winking at me.

"I'm not that attractive," I said, looking down at my feet and blushing.

"Yah! Stop flirting. He's right, you would make a great con artist. As long as you're good at acting in different scenarios," Hyunjin said, looking me up and down, examining my body features.

"The only experience I have acting is a play we did in second grade," I said, rubbing my arm, feeling embarrassed as he examined me.

"So, we'll need to work on your acting. Also, we'll need to get dresses and clothes for you. The clothes you wear seem to cover too much. If our target is at a high school part, you can't wear something that covers everything," Hyunjin went on and on. I nodded.

"How often can you come over?" Chan asked.

"Everyday after school. Like I said, my mom doesn't care," I answered.

"Wait, can't you tumble? Like, flips and stuff?" Changbin asked. I nodded my head. "She could be a really good assassins, too."

"She could be both," Jisung told Chan. "She could be a con artist, lure the targets, and then kill them."

"That sounds like a good idea. So, Jeongin, you'll need to teach Hyerin how to shoot and how to properly stab someone," Chan nodded to Jeongin. Jeongin nodded, shining a toothy smile towards me. I sent him one too.

"Okay, Hyerin, go home and get more clothes, you can stay the night again tonight," Woojin said.

"Your training starts today," Chan smiled. I nodded and walked out the door.

Guns and Smiles | Stray Kids Gang AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora