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It was Saturday evening and everyone was getting ready for the mission. Hyerin was curling her hair, knowing that she had to look pretty. She had a lot more makeup on than she usually wore, and she also was about to change into her tight red dress.

"Hey," Hyunjin smiled at her, kissing the nape of her neck.

"Hi," she responded, smiling at him in the mirror.

"Chan said you'd need help getting into your dress, so, here I am," he grabbed her waist.

"Can you grab it for me? It's in the closet," she asked him. He nodded, walking out of the bathroom. Hyerin wasn't wearing much at the moment. She was in a lace bra and underwear set Hyunjin had bought her yesterday.

"You look really good," Hyunjin said, biting his lip and handing her the dress.

Hyerin smiled at him and stepped into the dress. Hyunjin unclipped her bra for her, since it was a strapless and supported dress. She quickly pulled the dress up to her chest so she could cover herself and he zipped it up for her.

"Shit, that fits you perfectly. Hold on, I have just the thing to go with this," Hyunjin told her, running out of the bathroom again.

He came back with a box in his hand. He opened it, and instructed Hyerin to close her eyes, to which she obeyed. She felt something cold hit her chest and tensed a little. Hyerin opened her eyes and gasped, her eyes going wide.

"Oh my god, Jinnie, are these real?!" Hyerin asked, gaping at the diamond necklace he put on her.

"Yep, it used to be my sister's," he told her, admiring her beauty with a smile on his face.

"You have a sister?" She asked, turning to him. He nodded at her.

"She's my twin," he said, his smile growing. "She's in a female gang now, called Itzy. Maybe we'll see her tonight."

"Won't she be angry that I'm wearing her necklace?" Hyerin asked him. He shook his head, waving a hand in the air.

"She gave it to me before she left and told me to give it to someone that I actually love, not just some girl," he informed. Hyerin awed and hugged him.

"I love you so much, Jinnie," she said, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"I love you too, babygirl," he said, giving her a hug. "Okay, now that I've helped you get dressed, it's your turn to help me."

Hyerin giggled and nodded, walking out of the bathroom. He followed and she pulled out his suit. It was just a plain gray suit, but Hyerin was excited to see how he looked in it. Hyunjin stripped himself down to his boxers.

"You can put your own pants on, you're not two. I'll help you button your shirt, though," Hyerin told him.

He nodded his head and quickly slid his pants on. He slid his shirt over his shoulders and waited for Hyerin to do the rest. She giggled and buttoned it as Hyunjin admired her. The way she would bit her lip in concentration, the way she was bent over slightly, which showed off her cleavage more than Hyunjin liked.

"You need to pull your dress up," Hyunjin told Hyerin as she finished buttoning his shirt.

"Thank you," Hyerin blushed a little as she pulled the dress up higher. Hyunjin sighed, causing Hyerin to look up at him. "What's wrong?"

"I really don't want anyone else touching you," he told her.

"I don't want anyone to touch you either," she sighed well. "How about this? If we don't have to touch them in any way, then we won't. If we absolutely have to, we will."

Hyunjin smiled and nodded, slipping his grayish silver suit jacket on. He pulled Hyerin into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"Do you remember your target's name?" Hyunjin asked as they pulled away from the hug. Hyerin nodded.

"Johnny Seo, gang member of NCT. I remember what he looks like, too," she reassured, smiling up at Hyunjin.

"Guys, we've gotta go!" Chan yelled from down the hall. Hyerin grabbed her purse and quickly slid on her heels. The two rushed down the hall and outside, into the car.


When they arrived, the couple walked in hand in hand, but let go when they actually got through the doors and into the main event. They still stuck together, figuring they could look for their targets together.

Hyerin looked around the foreign boy.  She couldn't find him anywhere. He must've not been here yet. Hyunjin also couldn't find his target, Minatozaki Sana, a girl from Japan.

"Oh my God Hyunjin?!" The two heard from behind them. A gril that slightly resembled Hyunjin walked up to them.

"Yeji!" He smiled brightly, giving her a hug. Yeji hugged him back, then looked over to Hyerin, instantly eyeing the necklace.

"Who's this? It better not be just some girl," Yeji told him. Hyunjin shook his head.

"This is Hyerin. She's my girlfriend, and, before you ask, yes. I actually love her," he smiled. Hyerin blushed and looked down to her feet.

"Nice to meet you, I'm his twin sister, Yeji. You're really pretty," Yeji said to Hyerin, and instead of giving her a handshake, she gave her a hug.

"I'm Hyerin, and you're really pretty, too," Hyerin giggled out.

"Wait, why is she here? Is she a new member, too?" Yeji asked her brother. Hyunjin nodded, still smiling brightly.

"Yeji unnie! Lia unnie told me to tell to u to hurry up," A girl with blonde hair came over. She looked over to Hunjin. "Woah, who's this?"

"That's my twin brother, Hyunjin," Yeji answered. "This is one of my members, Yuna. She's the youngest."

"Nice to meet you, Yuna," Huunjin smiled at her, shaking her hand. Yuna's face turned red.

'Why is she blushing?' Hyerin thought to herself. 'She's so pretty' Hyerin frowned to herself.

"This is my girlfriend, Hyerin," Hyunjin introduced the two. Hyerin smiled at her, but Yuna didn't smile back. There was an awkward silence.

"Okay, we should probably get going. It was nice seeing you again, Hyunjin, and nice meeting you, Hyerin," Yeji smiled at the two before dragging her maknae back to the group.

"Isn't that her?" Hyerin spotted Hunjin's target. Hyunjin nodded and sighed.

"I promise when we get home, we can do whatever you want," he winked at her, kissing her on the cheek. Hyerin giggled and sent him off to his drop dead gorgeous target.

Hyerin looked around for her target, finally spotting him by the food table. She walked over to him, remembering everything Hyunjin told her. She didn't look at him when she got over there and just leaned on the table, grabbing a shrimp and eating it.

"Hey, what are you doing here all alone?" Her target said, smirking at her.

"I just came to have fun," she said back.

"I can show you how to have fun," her target told her seductively. Hyerin wasn't feeling anything. She knew she wouldn't unless it was Hyunjin.

"Oh really?" She said slyly. Her target nodded.

"If you follow me upstairs, I'm sure I can," He smirked again. Hyerin was internally rolling her eyes.

"So, there's no other way, besides sex, to have fun?" Hyerin asked, getting scared that she might actually have to go further than she wanted.

"Not for girls like you," her target but his lip, looking Hyerin up and down.

Hyunjin was getting angered watching the whole thing go down. He wanted to walk over, punch her target, and kiss her. But he couldn't. He had to stay in character. And what did he mean 'girls like her'? Was he calling his girlfriend a slut?

"Whatever you say," Hyerin looked over to Hyunjin as a call for help. She knew he couldn't, but it was worth a try.

"Let's go, sweetheart," he whispered into her ear. Hyerin hated this.

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