"Yes, could I get the Chicken Parmigiana, please," The only man at the table asked and Oak nodded jotting it down.

"Could I get the Pasta Carbonara, please?" The mum asked with a smile and Oak repeated her actions.

"Lily would like a small Margarita pizza and Emily would like a small pepperoni pizza, please," The mum spoke for her youngest children who nodded excitedly. They were only around five or six.

Ellie looked at Oak like she was a piece of shit, smirked then scoffed lightly "Can I have the Orecchiette Cime di Rapa?" She asked saying the name completely wrong with a mumble in her tone.

"Sorry, could you repeat it, I didn't hear you," Oak said sweetly and Ellie rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh, Ellie jolted the menu in front of the waitress and pointed to the food she wanted.

"The Orecchiette Cime di Rapa?" Oak repeated what she pointed to saying it with ease, because of her job Oak had actually picked up a little bit of Italian, Mattia had helped her with the pronunciations but she was getting there.

"It's what I said," Ellie snapped and folded her arms in rage. No, she didn't.

"Ellie, stop being so flaming rude!" Her mum scolded her "I'm sorry, love," She added and turned to me all the while glaring daggers at her eldest daughter, Oak just smiled, no longer phased by Ellie's darn right rudeness.

"Would your children like a colouring page?" Oak asked their mum mainly for Lily and Emily but the way Ellie acts she's in the age range to get one.

"Can we mummy?" Emily asked with a smile of excitement.

"Of course," She said to her daughter "Yes, please love, if that's okay," She turned to me again as said, Oak nodded and quickly went to get the youngest some colouring pencils and a colouring page.

——— ••• ———

Presently, Harrison was on set yet again, all the young cast were currently just sat in the large 'green room' as it was a teacher meeting scene that didn't include the students. The casting director, Henry Moore, was looking at all of the 'lead cast' wanting to ask them something but he wasn't sure how to.

It was a last minute thing that needed seeing to almost immediately, he thought it was worth the shot of asking the cast because they knew a lot of people and they were his best bet. The original idea didn't go accordingly and it didn't suit what they were after, the majority of the auditions didn't meet the criteria.  

"Do any of you know a band?" Henry asked the group of nine, they all looked up at him and apologised greatly. He didn't see the point in flapping about anymore, he had to get his question out of the way. 

Harrison's mind flashed with The Blue but then he realised they were five-thousand-three-hundred and sixty kilometres away from where they were. It'd be impossible for them to come here with the short notice. "Harrison does," Aray nudged him whilst telling Henry. Harrison would kill her with a death glare if he could, of course, she had to go and say that. 

Henry looked at the lightly curly-haired boy waiting for him to say something. Harrison scattered his brown eyes all around the room struggling for the words to say "I mean, yeah, I do but they're in England," Harrison informed them, Aray rolled her eyes playfully. It was the truth, he didn't want to pressure them into coming here when it was such a far distance. 

the new yearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin