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(About this chapter! I know none of the guys are actually like this, it's just what I imagine and what I come up with to wright!)


It's been a week since the Josh incident. I haven't seen Jaden, Josh, or Griffin since then.

I've become a lot closer with Payton, Anthony, and Quinton they're all so sweet to me. Unlike Jaden, Josh, and Griffin.

Today the boys are having another party and I have to dress casual.

Anthony said that there are going to be girls, which is great cause I haven't seen another girl since I got here.

I started to get ready.

I started to get ready

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The fit^^^

I walked downstairs.

"Hey guys!" I sat in between Quinton and Ant.

Payton was on the love seat and Josh, Griffin, and Jaden weren't down yet.

"Hey Mads." They all smiled.

"I'm so excited!!! When are the girls getting here? And do they know my real name or do I have to use my fake one?"

Oh I forgot to mention they gave me a fake name just Incase something happened. Funny right? It's Addilyn Rayes, I have no clue how they came up with it (sarcasm) and I had to dye my hair to a darker color, it's was now a dark brunette.

"You have to use your fake name, and they're a gonna be a lot more boys then girls Maddy." Anthony said sternly.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Payton got up and went to the door.

Quinton moves me closer to him, and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Mmm, you smell good," he sniffed my hair.

I laughed.

"Where's Jaden! I haven't seen him in so long." A blonde beautiful girl came in.

"Calm down Mads you'll get to see him," another beautiful girl came in.

"Hi! I'm Avani!" She sat next to Anthony.

"Hi, I'm Addilyn! You're soooo pretty!" I used my fake name.

"Awe thanks so are you and I love your fit!"

"Thank you so much." I replied, she's sweet I like her.

"Jaden!!!!" The blonde girl yelled.

"That's Mads, Jaden is her boyfriend."


And she basically has the same name as me! Whatever she's probably really nice.

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