Chapter 7

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Frigid air seeped into my clothing that were rubbing against my skin as I hiked through the forest. The sound of the birds singing ceased as the sun set in the west, the land of the elves, and the faint sound of running water filled the atmosphere. The deer trail that I found about two meters from the palace followed a river that probably lead to Lake-town and was lined with large granite boulders. Oak trees leaned over the river grasping for the other side, eerie eyes stared at me as I continued walking into the night.

Eventually, along the river I discovered a compact clearing that was covered by ferns and lichens. A few thin trees leaned over the center of the clearing that made shelter with grass lining the ground. I stumbled into the clearing and grasped some of the moss that had some blue flowers growing in it. I settled down onto the ground with a pillow of moss and flowers and listened to the sound of the river. The steady beat finally brought sleep to me after a long journey.


Chitter chatter of round squirrels wakened me; the rays of a new day filtering in through the seams of the branches blared into my eyes. My body ached as I squirmed on the grass bed and crawled out of the shelter. Twigs poked into my back as I stood up too close to the entrance with the moss pillow in my hands. I took the pillow and dispersed it through the forest behind bushes. My stomach growled in pain for I have not eaten in days now. I tripped towards the river's edge and cupped water out of it without caring about the bacteria and drank to ease the hunger pangs. Exhaustion outlined every action that I made.

I regained my footing on the rocky shores and viewed brown fish leaping out of the current. The scent of mud and algae became overbearing, so I made it back to the deer trail. Without any idea where I was at I followed the trail for hours. Along the way I foraged for edible berries that were hidden in stout, prickly bushes that were surrounded by tall grass. The sweet taste exploded in my mouth and stained my teeth red. The trail that I was treading on leered away from river but I kept to it with little reason. There more strands of flexible strands that laid over head with curved, dark green leaves that fell from time to time. Rocks and debris lined the widening trail as if it was little traveled on.

Some where along the way the trail narrowed again and the river came into hearing range again. From behind a thin trunk oak in the shadows of midday I saw a pack of about twelves dwarves and a hobbit who were frantically pulling themselves and barrels out of the water. The sound of their conversations blended into the river and their beards stuck in stringy strands from the wetness. I quickly turned around and went back to the trail that went away from the dwarves.

Patches of daisies bordered the trail that was overgrown with grass and sprouts of bushes. Shadows of the tall standing trees fell onto the dirt and I kept strolling along. The satisfying whiff of oaks and earthy scent of the grass allowed me to relax a bit as the rocks on the trail became tinier. Up ahead the trail took a sharp left that overlooked a body of water with white boulders peppered with gray minerals along the trail.

"Why should I help you?" asked a male's voice from on the other side of the boulders.

I leaned over the edge on my stomach and saw the dwarves all lined together. A man with brown stubble and a square jaw glared at the dwarves and the hobbit. White masts fluttered in the gentle breeze with the smell of faint lake water flowed by me. The ship swayed on the moderate waves of the lake that stretched on for miles.

The man with a stubble glared up at me as my hair fluttered in the wind and raised his voice as a warning, "Who are you?"

I stood up and scaled down the boulder with the crowd watching me. I nimbly grabbed onto the smooth rocks that allowed me to easily get down. With a light thump I was on the path that held the crowd in the back of it. I towered over all of the smelly dwarves and held my gaze upon the man.

"Long time no see. I am Mia from the Mirkwoods incident," I stated as I took a step forwards.

All of the dwarves in tense stances glared at me with much suspicion. Their short statures parted away from me as I took a another step forward.

The man responded with an doubtful look, "My name is Bard. Are you with these dwarves?"

"Oddly enough, no. I just happened so to run into them again," I began. "I am traveling towards Lake-town to see some family.".

Bard pronounced with concern in his voice, "You should not be traveling by yourself, young lady. You should come with me and these dwaves."

"If you are sure about it," I answered while pulling a gold ring off of my index finger.

I walked by Bard and put the ring into his hand as payment. The ship groaned as I entered and I sat down. In the distance there were twinkling waves that went on as far as the eye can see. The wood creaked under my weight as I settled down on the deck.

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