∆ ONE ∆

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I strolled into the school compound, my school bag strapped on my back and I watched the school environment like I hadn't seen it before. It's the first day of school and I must say I am very excited to see my friends again. The holiday was somewhat boring due to the fact the my parents didn't let me go out, like to flex. I could only communicate with my friends through phone calls and WhatsApp chats.

The cleaners had done a good job and the junior block was repainted. The color had changed from green to white, which is the color of our uniform's shirt. The staff room which is also where some laboratories are is still the same blue color and our block, the senior block is still painted the same colour, blue, a very light shade of blue.

"Good morning ma!" I greeted Mrs Iboro, our Biology teacher. If I could have my way, I definitely wouldn't but it is mandatory in our school to greet every teacher.

"Morning." She responded sassily and carried on talking to the cleaner before her, more like ordering her around. She's so lazy. Imagine a teacher giving a student her lesson note to write, that teacher is none other than our dear Mrs Iboro.

I carried on walking and as soon as I got to the senior block which my class is I run up the stairs, excitement running through me as I am just few steps away from seeing my friends.

"Tobi!" Anna squealed the moment I walked into the class. She stood from the table she was seated on discussing with Seun and runs to engulf me in a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you ehn," she said after the hug.

"Missed you too!" I told her as we both walk to where Seun is standing. "Seun, how far?"

"I dey jare." She replied in pidgin. I dropped my bag carelessly on a chair and we all talked about how we spent the holiday. While we discussed, the bell for the assembly is rung, this we all groaned to.

Being in SS2, we were all used to the assembly and we don't really care about it whereas our juniors are always excited about it. We walk to the assembly ground which is in front of the junior block.

We all stood in our respective lines as we sang along to the worship songs the assembly prefect sings. Our juniors are interested and sing wholeheartedly while we the seniors sing like zombies, uninterested.

Soon, our principal comes on the podium and we all applaud her like she's some sort of celebrity. That's how things are here in International Scholars High School.

"Good morning students." The petite busty woman said and we all chorused, "Good Morning Mrs Adebayo."

"It's the resumption of the second term and I want to implore you all to be of good behaviour because this term; International Scholars High will not condone your usual nonsense. There will be zero tolerance to all your bad and cunning behaviour. There will be an end to indiscipline." She announced.

Anna hissed then spoke, "that's what they keep saying every term. Las-las they won't do anything."

"Abi o!" Seun replied.

"That will be all for now, good morning once again and have a lovely day in school." Mrs Adebayo concluded and we all went to our respective classes.

We in SS2 Emerald entered our class. The classes in senior school of ISHS is divided into three, SS2 Emerald for the science class, Topaz for the commercial class and Ruby for the art class and as usual our Chemistry teacher is inside our classroom waiting for us. I hiss silently, others scowl at him, some roll their eyes while others hiss just as I did.

"Mr Nwosu never rests. He's always the first to come to class whereas there is a staff meeting going on downstairs." I heard Esther whisper behind me.

I sit on my chair which is next to Anna's. Anna and I have been friends since we got to SS1. During junior school we were never friends. Our junior school is usually divided into to three as well, JSS1 Diamond, Sapphire and Opal. Anna was in JSS1 Opal, I was in Diamond.

During my junior school days, my best friend was Toyosi but both of us are enemies now. Thank God she's in SS2 Ruby else fighting like cat and dog every single day was inevitable.

"Our first topic this term is, Organic chemistry. Who can told me what is Organic chemistry?" Mr Nwosu asks and some of us burst into laughter silently. If Mr Nwosu heard us, he would definitely whip everyone of us, Mr Nwosu is a no-nonsense man. No student dares try nonsense with him.

"This man has started with his bomb this term. We haven't even resumed fully he has already started throwing bombs." Seun refers to Mr Nwosu's blunder as bomb making Anna and I snicker.

This term is so going to be a bomb. Something tells me this term is pregnant. I can't wait to see how drama will unfold this term.

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