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(Heya, this is gonna be my longest chapter ever kk, hope you enjoy also its in third person)

Third person p.o.v

Bakugou and todoroki rushed midoriya launching normal punches and kicks testing out their new abilities, midoriya however easily evaded with one hand as he chuckled.

"Your nothing compared to all might."

Bakugou glared at him as he slugged him straight in the face.


The punch didn't faze him at all. Midoriya looked at bakugou menacingly with his glowing orbs, they alone would illuminate the room at this point that everyone was in. Izuku then grabbed bakugou by his face, picked him up and slammed him into the ground creating a massive crater in the middle of the room. Bakugou groaned in pain as he was slammed down, some blood tricked down from the top of bakugous head. It went between his eyes, down the left of his nose and over his lips.

Todoroki stared in shock as bakugou was clearly in pain... though he didn't give in, he propelled himself with his ice at izuku, izuku simply flicked his fingers at the ice and it smashed, however todoroki jumped and threw his flames at izuku.

Izuku didnt care, it didn't faze him in the slightest bit. He simply sliced the air with his hand and with that the flames were gone.

"Flashfire it is then."

Todoroki activated his flashfire which raised his flames temperature to massive amounts of heat, it actually started to burn his own clothes, not his underwear of course cause this is a pg family friendly book. But his shirt was burning as he punched izuku with his flashfire, izuku just grew annoyed as his cheek burned off, he instantly healed it with hyper regeneration of course but he didnt like heat.

"Wow. You must really want to die huh shouto todoroki?"

Izuku clenched his fist and fired it into shoutos stomach, he screamed in pain as he went flying upwards out of the palace, he got launched so hard that he went through the roof and kept on going.

"Dont worry, he will be back in a short minute. Now for you kacchan."

Bakugou jumped up with his explosions and fired a big one a izuku pushing izuku into his throne destroying it.

Izuku simply chuckled as todoroki then fell back through the roof right in front of him, he yelled in pain as he landed since he think he shattered both his legs and all his ribs.

"Your done."

Izuku grabbed shouto by the hair and threw him to the corner of the room whilst he walked towards bakugou.

"Izuku! Stop this please..."

"Oh dont worry, this will become a great world, where im the only villain. The rest will be killed off."

In the room behind him held all of the league of villains, including all for one and gigantomachia. They all heard this... now they either up and died or they fought for their lives, they knew which they were going to do... except for one.... he wanted to make it worse


"A small price to pay for salvation."

Just then the league of villains ran into the room lead by shigaraki. He walked up to izuku and spoke up.

"I heard that ukuzi. We will kill you to survive."

Izuku simply chuckled as tomura went and touched the ground as spikes were made out of it, he smirked and launched them at izuku.

Die like a villain. Villain Deku x Todoroki (Under Maintenance) Where stories live. Discover now