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(Heya, really really sorry for this chapter)

Dark izuku p.o.v


Kirishima said as he charged from behind me hand tried to punch me full force in the back of my head, i yawned and caught it with my hand. I stood up and turned around to face him.

"You know~ its rude to just hit people like that~"

"You... killed k-kaminari..."

I chuckled and shrugged as i squeezed his fist in his unbreakable form making it crumble quickly, i then for a moment squeezed it as hard as i could as i felt the bone in his hand break as he shrieked in pain.

"Ahh~ now thats the sound i wanna hear~ and no, it wasnt me who killed kaminari but it was me."

He looked at my confused as i grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up

"H-how... this is my... unb-breakable form..."

"No its not~ its clearly breakable, watch~"

As i grabbed his neck i squeezed with all my force as i heard it snap, his eyes turned lifeless as his body became limp, i dropped him and he Didn't move, i wonder how other me reacted to this

He said in tears as he watched the screen, i placed a hand on his shoulder and chuckled

"He was trying to kill me, but dont worry~ he wont be the last"

I kicked him off the castle and into the road beneath. I chuckled as i saw the Todoroki squad i guess at the castle entrance, i put my hand out and made a stairway into the castle for them as they went in.

Todoroki p.o.v

As we approached the castle in the sky we realized that it was impossible to get to it, as we thought in our thoughts a staircase formed which had a black carpet on it. I smirked and walked on it.

"He is calling for us, we shouldn't keep him waiting~"

I chuckled as i looked at the others, they looked mentally disturbed as they pointed at something on the road... it had red spiky hair... covered in blood... a crushed neck... and he didnt move, at the same time everyone questioned.


Dark izuku p.o.v

"Ahh~ seeing others reactions is truly fun to watch~ isnt that right... kacchan..."

I said as i sat on the roof of the castle, the figure in a black cloak behind me sat down next to me and spoke.

"Guess im not good at stealth yet huh? So... where is izuku?"

I chuckled as i rubbed the back of my head.

"Wow, you aren't dense like that red head~"

"No, i just know that he wouldnt do... all of this."

"Well~ to answer your question i guess you could say he is in between what is reality and was is imagination, he is on the verge of the dead and the alive, he is in the middle of what is and what isnt~"

I heard kacchan chuckled as he put his hands into his cloak.

"So, what your saying is you have taken over his body or something like that?"

I nodded as we both stood.

"I know you wanna stop me~ you want your izuku back~ it wont happen but if im defeated or killed i go back to where i was and this body goes to its owner~"

He got in a stance as he paced himself a small bit away from me, he didn't speak as i chuckled.

"Though what im curious about is this~ you couldn't beat izuku without my help and with my in control his power has significantly magnified~ so~ how do you plan on defeating me?"

"Good question... change and adapt i guess, you were truthful with me so i should be with you."

He then formed explosions boosting his speed as he charged at me in a calm manner, i stood still and let him hit me.

"You know~ i will give you a chance~ hit me. As hard as you can."

He looked at me shocked but he didn't waste this opportunity, he went back, charged his explosions and charged at me with a knife and swung at my face, it hit my cheek and shattered, i chuckled and smirked evilly.

"Perhaps you didn't understand. I want you. To hit me. With everything. You have."

I commanded as i stared him down, i crossed my arms as i stood there.

"You know... you always were good at infuriating me~"

He chuckled as he stood on a pillar of the palace and placed the ends of his hands (the ends without the fingers) together as explosions started to form. He then aimed them at the sky as they went a few meters up and just gathered there, this went on for a few minutes until he smirked and panted.

"Be careful what you wished for~"

One of the hands that was held up was then thrown to the floor.

"Ultimate move. Ground zero."

"Aww how cute~ he named it-"

It then got closer as i realized its power


Cliff hanger~~ hahaha, anyways, sorry for killing kiri but you all knew it was coming, also i just wanna say that i am enjoying this and i am thankful for the support you give me So honestly from the bottom of my heart, thank you all

900 words

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