Step two aftermath

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Todoroki p.o.v

All of a sudden we were back at base, i looked around confused. I saw this person who looked like izuku but wasnt... i also noticed shigaraki was missing.

"Um... i hate to be that gay- I MEAN GUY! But where is izuku and shigaraki?"

Everyone chuckled and pointed at the being, then that being spoke up.

"I am the result of the fusion of izuku midoriya and tenko shimura. I am tenzu midoraki! Dont worry, i will be gone in 4, 3, 2, 1..."

And then izuku and Shigaraki popped out of no where, i immediately hugged izuku and kissed him passionately on the lips.


He patter my head being dominant for once and chuckled.

"You did amazing sho... holding off sans like that was amazing... and dont worry.. i succeeded in my part of the mission as well. Gigantomachia is now our ally and see's us as all for ones successors!"

I smiled and hugged him tighter. Then all for one started clapping and talked.

"Well done you lot, well done truly, part two of our plan has been done... part three wont be for a short bit so enjoy yourselfs, have a day off and relax, celebrate... if im honest i thought you all would fail, i thought shouto would die to sans, i thought gigantomachia would break you both but no! You surprised all of us! Izuku and shouto, take this money and use it well."

All for one then handed me £1,000 and gave the same to izuku, we both bowed and smiled.

"How about we also do a celebratory here~"

That was izu's idea, since this was a bar...


Twice burst through a door shouting as everyone chuckled, Kurogiri sighed and got a bunch of alcohol ready and started serving everyone, everyone except spinner was drinking.

-30 mins later-

Everyone was basically wasted, i had drunk just enough to stay sane though the same cant be said for everyone else, let me start on dabi.

Even he was drunk, he was chanting about how hot he was (pun about his quirk) and how shigaraki definitely wants him.

"Mmmh~ tomura~ i know you want this hot *hiccup* boi~"

I chuckled and looked over to toga, currently she was out cold... you can thank izuku for that. Toga was hitting on izuku but he grew annoyed by her and gave her his famous fatal right hook.

Twice was dragging toga out the room and as soon as he did... he started making... 'noises'

Lets leave that there.

Next we have shigaraki... he kept on throwing his hands at people.

"Need a hand~ haha"

He jokes were so awful that people liked them...

Finally was izuku... he kept on mainly focusing on me... after a short bit he started pole dancing as everyone threw money on him, needless to say i was jealous... anyways after the party all for one took videos and then teleported us all home.

Heya, step two is now done, 3000 words later... Jesus XD

520 words

Die like a villain. Villain Deku x Todoroki (Under Maintenance) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin