Villain shouto: origin

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Todoroki p.o.v

"Ugh my head... what happened?"
I think and remember... i got attacked by the 'number one hero' this is probably enough to turn me to villainy to be honest but i dont want to disappoint my little izuku~ i live for him and wouldn't want him to be hurt by me, i look around and see that im in a chair... there wasnt really anything in the room just some stairs and a door to the left of the stairs.... i stood up and went up to the door and heard screaming of what sounded to be a middle aged man.

Deku p.o.v

-a few minutes before todos p.o.v-

I had patched up enji's wound so he wouldn't die and brought him into a lower room in the LOV hideout, i slowly kicked him till he awoke
"Good, your awake."
He looked at me slowly and struggled, of course he couldn't move cause i handcuffed him and bound his legs together, we also made it so his quirk couldn't activate, since enji is never leaving here i took my hoodie and shades off and smiled
"Y-you, midoriya? Why did you do all this?"
He asked, there was clearly anger but i dont fully care, only my friends can call me that name
"No! You call me ukuzi! You dont get to call me that after all you did to shouto."

He clearly got more angry and stated
"So your the reason that my masterpiece became a faggot and a fucking failure!"
Thats it, i walked up to him and dragged my knife diagonally across his face having blood drizzle down it, i smiled in glee
"You dont get a say in it!"
He opened his mouth to shout and i kneed his jaw so he didn't
"You know being angry doesnt suit you~ how about we make a permanent smile~"
I gagged his mouth and grabbed my knife to the edge of his lip

I dragged it across his face on both sides making a red smile across his face as he screamed, now just to stitch it permanently there~ i get a thread and needle and started to sew it together having him scream more, i laughed evilly and then shouto walked in.

"Oh heya sho~"
I smiled as he didn't seem shocked... in fact he seemed... happy?
"Heya izu~ good job here"
He pointed at enji and i smiled and nodded, i stopped sewing for a moment and kissed his lips passionately, just to spite endeavor, i felt his rage.
"Hmmm, father a smile suits you better."
"See told ya!"
I went back to sewing his smile permanently and me and sho smiled the whole time, after enji had passed out from the pain.

"So sho, how are you?"
"Im good, but where are we, and how long have you been evil like that?"
I chuckled and explained that we were in the lowest level of the LOV hideout and that i joined about a week ago
"Hmm... ok, izu do you think i would be allowed to join, after what my father did i feel like pro heros are just fakes, kinda like what stain thinks i guess, and for revenge as what the wielding did to you."
I nodded my head and held his hand walking him up stairs

Wow, two chapters in one day, how did he do it XD well how was this

574 words

Die like a villain. Villain Deku x Todoroki (Under Maintenance) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu