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(Listen to the song if you wish, just i love persona 5)

Deku p.o.v

I woke up slowly in quite a bit of pain, my eyes slowly went open as i looked around, i was on a bed in recovery girls room and sans was unconscious next to me though he didn't seem in pain in the slightest, in fact he had a smile on his face. As i looked around i saw shouto speaking to recovery girl about something, i couldn't really make out what. I gasped for air as i tried to talk to shouto... i couldn't right now, probably cause i pushed myself to far with the kaioken... it hurt to just do times 2 yet i went to 4.

My whole body hurt to the point where i couldn't get up or speak at all, after about a minute shouto saw that i was awake and ran towards me wrapping his arms around me, i smiled and patted his back as recovery girl simply chuckled.

"Izu... are you ok?"

I shook my head, i then opened my mouth and pointed at it making an x sign with my fingers.

"Move todoroki, let me heal him."

Recovery girl gave me a smooch and everything still hurt, though not as much, i could kinda speak now though it hurt a small bit.

"H-heya sho...~"

I chuckled as he teared up whilst kissing my hand.

"Why did you push yourself so far, you clearly couldn't handle that technique!"

I shrugged and spoke.

"I just... didn't wanna let you or... a-anyone else down... sans b-beat you so i wanted r-revenge... s-sorry."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, at that moment though everything around me changed, i was suddenly at a calm place, it had a light blue sky as i was sat against a cherry blossom tree with shouto next to me, the grass was lush green with no footsteps in it at all, what was strange though is that i could see the end of the world, around us was about a mile in area.

"Sho...? Where a-are we?"

"I can answer that ukuzi."

All for one said as he appeared in front of us, he coughed and spoke up.

"I gave you a quirk called ZA WORLDO! And i also have it, basically it pauses time in the actual world and teleports you here, this time i used it but it takes a bit of energy to go to so you cant just do it willy nilly. In here only people of your choosing come with you and you can do whatever you wish, i called you here to promote you in a way... i didn't want to wait and i couldn't do it any other way."

Me and sho nodded as he continued.

"Ukuzi, your becoming a second in command in the league of villains, we were going to make you the brains but thats me, shouto todoroki you are updated to officer, though you need to come up with a villain name, what do you want yours to be?"

I looked over to shouto and i could tell he was thinking really hard, i then thought of a name for him.

"Sho, what about crimson burnout?"

He looked at me and smiled.

"Its great and its from you, i will gladly take it."

All for one chuckled and them continued speaking.

"Good name, ukuzi you would be first in command but until you do something amazing then that stays with shigaraki. Both of you are great beings for the symbol of evil and i believe you have a better chance then him."

He held his fist out as i bumped it, he then gasped as if he forgot to say something.

"Before i return you i want to inform you, crimson burnout already knows but theres this masked killer going around, all we know about him is that he is a guy, he has red eyes and he kills but says he isnt a villain. Your next mission is to take him out because he can really end up messing up step three."

I nodded as he waved and we went back.

704 words

Die like a villain. Villain Deku x Todoroki (Under Maintenance) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin