Intentions revealed

477 17 9

Bakugou p.o.v

The dust was starting to clear, that was my strongest attack and took almost everything out of me... im hoping if i didn't defeat him that i at least did some major damage.

I saw a figure in the dust, it fully cleared and i saw izuku without his left arm.

"U-ugh... how.."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing, ut didn't matter since this wasnt 'izuku' anyways.

"You got to cocky~ and now look where you are~"

I slid down from the pillar and lifted his head up by his chin.

"I may not have killed you but your an arm down~ you will be defeated~"

I continued to laugh as his grunted in pain until...

"Just kidding~"

I looked at him confused as he used what looked like hyper regeneration to heal his arm back

"That not... fair..."

"Silly kacchan~ like your one to talk~ remember when i was quirkless and saying those things~ looks like the tables have turned~"

He kneed me in the stomach as i fell to the ground clutching my stomach in unimaginable pain, i dont get how he had so much power, i felt like passing out but i stayed strong.

"Ohhh~ look at that~ i thought you would have at least gone unconscious~ guess your stronger then i gave credit for."

Dark izuku p.o.v

I walked over to bakuhoe on the floor clutching his stomach, he looked massively in pain as i had kneed him at 100% force, if anything i am surprised he is still conscious.

"So... am... am i *coughs up blood* going t-to die..."

I nodded slowly as he gave me a weak smile, a tear grew in his eye as he chuckled lightly.

"Shitty n-nerd... i know this wont... c-change anything... but i want to t-tell you... why i did... what i did... can i h-have that as a... last request?"

I looked at him in pity and sat down next to him.

"Sure, you are gonna die but you have a right to tell me why you did what you did."

"I-it started..."


Bakugou (4 years old) p.o.v

"Hey have you heard!!?"

"No i havent? What is it?"

I turned to the commotion at the back corner of the class, it seemed worthy of listening in to so i leaned against the wall pretending to sleep as i listened in.

"Midoriya doesnt and will never have a quirk!"

"Haha! Seriously? He is just a waste of space then!"

I scowled at them but i made sure they didn't see... 'he isn't awesome at all' i thought in my head...

"But that doesn't mean he is a waste of space... think katsuki think.... whats a way to make people see he isn't a waste of space... he isn't special... but he isn't that... what if... i bullied him... he would always stand up against me and show his strengths... it will end our friendship sure... but at least it will show people that he isn't a waste of space."

I walked over to izuku in class, he looked dead inside, i tapped his shoulder as he looked at me with those lifeless eyes... he didn't deserve to have the eyes of someone with no hope... no one does.

"Izuku... meet me outside at the park after school today."

He didn't question it but simply nodded as he went back to learning...

After school i sat on a swing in the park, izuku walked through the gate as he sat down next to me and swung in despair.

"So... you have no quirk huh?"

He simply nodded, i had never seen him like this... he looked like he wanted to restart life...

"So, your useless."

This hurt to say as he looked at me hurt... but i needed to do this to show that he isnt weak...

"I should call you deku from now on... it means useless in kanji!"

I stood up as iz-no... deku looked like he was about to cry, i punched him off the swing as he yelled in pain.

"K-kacchan! What was that for?"

I put on a fake grin and punched my fist in to my palm.

"You are and will always be useless, you will be deku! But tell you what~ beat me once, and i will acknowledge you, i promise~ now bring it you useless deku!"

~end of flashback~

Dark izuku p.o.v

"And you know the r-rest... the ends d-dont justify... the means... i know... but i w-wanted to help a f-friend... in need."

I know other me was emotional from this story, i could feel it in me as a single tear came to my eye, i stood up and summoned a sword.

"I thank you for telling me~ but you do die now."

"I thank you... i-i... deserve this death... death by the one i made fun of for all those years... guess im the weak one huh... you know... ever since my older brother passed away via a villain i said i wouldn't loose to one... that i would avenge him... *chuckles* look where that put me now... deaths door by a villain... honestly i lost motivation for anything after akabane died... i wanted to vent my frustrations... and that went to you... my attempt to kill you... was to vent my frustrations about kirishima... no... about ejiro... please... i see a god in you... kill me... *tears up* i want to see my big bro... i want to see death... *fully starts crying* i want to see ejiro... i want to BE with ejiro... i want to see my loved one... PLEASE... kill me now..."

He said that with sadness and anger in his voice, tears stained the roof of this castle as i softly smiled showing my kinder side as i placed the sword at his throat.

"As my friend.... your last wish will be granted... baku... no... kacchan..."

999 words

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