70 | The End

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(I'm honestly crying my eyes out whilst writing this, I Don't want it to end and I think we might need a book 2)

[70 | The End]

I wake up next to Billie who is still asleep next to me. I listen to her soft snores, admiring all the small features of her face. "Billiebob," I whispered, as she stirred.

"Mornin," she says quietly, her eyes still half-closed. I moved some of her hair out of her face and she smiled into the pillow. "stop staring," she whined, lifting up her arm trying to push me away, but being too lazy to actually do it.

"it's not rude to stare if what you're staring at is a masterpiece waiting to be admired, and i shorty, just happen to be an admirer," I smirked.

"hey don't steal my lines," she threw a pillow at me.

"Oh sorry, you line, so how many people have heard that wonderful line," I mock her playfully.

"No one," she pouts.

"Wow, I feel honoured," I hold a hand to my chest.

"well," she places a hand on my cheek, and we both sit up, "you're the only masterpiece I've ever seen," she smirks.

"Damn, and I thought I had the Upper han-" she cuts me off by pressing her lips to mine as I blush. she pulls away and I look into her eyes, they were like a maze, and it was way too easy to get lost.

"Let's eat cake," she says smiling,

"So you bought an entire chocolate cake, just to eat for breakfast?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Duh," she says smiling,

"I'm down," we head out into the Kitchen where Lila is sitting at the breakfast bar on her phone. Billie joins her and I grab the cake out of the Fridge along with three forks, in case Lila wants some. I sit opposite them, stabbing my fork into the cake.

"So any plans for today?" I asked

"um, no not really, I was meant to have an interview, but it was cancelled. But I thought we could have a movie night here tonight?" she said, and Lila looked as if she was holding back a smile.

"Uh, yeah yeah sure," I say raising an eyebrow at Lila. I jump off the stool, and walk back into my room to go and get dressed. I throw on some clothes and head back out.

*time skip*

"What do you wanna do?" she asks, ordering an uber,

"umm, I don't know,"

"good, because I have a great idea," she smiled, as an uber pulled up.

"so? where are we going?" I ask as I take a seat in the uber.

"Patience my darling," she mocks as I pout at her. After what felt like too long, driving through fields, not what I had expected, the Uber cam to a halt, next to a few other cars.

"so?" I ask still, having no idea as to why we are in a random field.

"Turn around," she says as I scrunch up my face, assuming it would just be more fields. I wasn't exactly wrong.

I turned around reavealing a field of lavender, the purple colour, was overwhelmingly beautiful.

I took in a deep breath and the lavender smell was amazing. "Here," she handed me some scissors "this place is open to the public, so people come her to take lavender every year, I used to do it all the time as a kid," she said and I smiled. "It's beautiful," I turned to her and we both started walk towards the field.
It was like a fair tale land.

We walk up and down the rows of lavender, cutting small handfuls and putting them in paper bags to take home.

"What are we going to do with all this?" I laughed a little.

"I have no idea," she laughed, we sat down in the middle of the field.

"It's so quiet," I say, laying down on my back, looking up at the sky Billie lying next to me

"I like it, everything is always so loud, it's nice to get away from it all," she says

"Yeah, it is,"

"Especially when you're with someone you love," she turned her head to me and I did the same.

"Especially with someone you love," I repeated. I looked into her eyes, they were so different to when I first met her.

I now understood what the wisdom meant, what the hurt meant, and now what the love meant.

She glanced at her phone, her eyes widening. "Oh my god," she sat up.

"What," I said as we both stood up.

"Come on," she laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hill, we both ran, it was the sort of running you did as a kid, we felt free.

We got back in an Uber and arrived back at my apartment, "come on, come on," she rushed me upstairs.

"What," I laughed

"Hurry," she said as I unlocked my door. She walked over to the window and opened it, "come on," she stepped out of the window, climbing up the ladder to the roof as I followed.

"Billie wh-

I stopped when I got to the top, there were blankets and pillows and candles "Billie," I whispered a smile creeping onto my face.

We both sat in the roof, watching the sun set. The sky mixed with pinks reds and oranges, the sun slowly falling down.

"This is beautiful Billie," I whispered, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Not as beautiful as you,"

"I can't even-

I began. "Wait," she pressed her finder gently to my lips "without you, I don't know what I would do, I might not even be alive, you are my everything. And I love you doesn't even begin to describe it,"

I smile "I love you Billie," I lay my hand on her cheeks pressing my lips to hers.

I then stand up, moving over to the edge sitting with my feet dangling, so I could see the sunset better.

"Marry me," I heard, whipping my head around to face her.


"Marry me,"



I started this book in July 2o19 it's now the 27th January 2020. This book will be hard to let go of, I love all of the characters so so much.

But what will be even harder to let go of will be you guys, if you have got this far I would hope you like the story. You guys mean the world to me and your comments make my day, they honestly do.

I have another Billie book called Broken Pieces, the first chapter will be out the second this one is published.

It's hard to say goodbye to something I have had in progress for 6 months and especially to say bye to Rory and Lila.

So have a great day, and au reviour Anxiety <3

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now