59 | Invite

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Authors note: This book will end at chapter 70, its not for any reason other than, it will be a good place to end it, it still stands that I will write a second book, or another Billie book, with a different plot, which would you rather please tell me thanks guys, you mean the world :) 

[59 | Invite] 

I was sitting with Claudia in the green room whilst Billie and finneas were playing a show, "dude I'm so tired," Claudia says, taking a sip out of her water bottle. "me too, where are we going after this?" 

"We have a flight to New York tonight and then shows and interviews and stuff, I think" 

"Okay," I curl up and close my eyes.

Billies P.O.V  

I walk with fin, into the green room, and both Claudia and Rory are fast asleep. Rory looks peaceful so I leave her, and join finneas at the round, a conference looking table. "hey look," she tilts his phone to me as I sit down, 

"huh," I say, too tired to read it. 

"the MTV awards, in new york, they sent out the invites and if I have one, you obviously have one. 

"That's sick," I say, taking a sip out of my water bottle. I know I should be so grateful to be able to go to these award shows, but it isn't the same if Rory isn't there, they are long and boring and she is the only one with the ability to to make me smile, not just the small forced smiles, but the real ones, the ones I thought i had lost forever before I met her. 

"God Billie, just read the damn phone," he forces it into my hand and laughs to himself a little, as I begin to read it, now intrigued.  I skim my eyes over the email looking for something to jump out at me, nothing does.

"huh?" I say, my voice too tired to form real words.

"You can take a plus one, and i have my own invite, so i don't have to be your plus one, i think i know to sleepy girls that would love to come along," she looks over to Claudia and Rory still asleep on the couch. I can't hold back the smile pon my face. for the first time in as long as i can remember everything was perfect, everything. to be honest, it terrified me, i was so scared that i would do something to ruin it, to push her away,

"Wake her up," Finneas says snapping m out of my thoughts.

"Fine," I walk over to her and softly stroke her hair as her eyes flutter open.

Rory's P.O.V

I wake up to Billie right in front of me, gliding her fingers over my hair "hi," she says softly smiling

"Hey," I reply, my voice raspy.

"Wanna come to the MTV awards with me?" She asks,

"What," I sit up.

"The MTV awards, you me,"

"I mean. Yes obviously," I sit up stunned, I was exited to be able to go to the awards and spend time with Billie, but I was also nervous, there would be a lot of  people and a lot of cameras.

We all get up and go to the tour bus, "They are only two days away, that's crazy," she says "there is someone that's picked out outfits and stuff like that, so we don't have to worry," she continues as I smile at her.

"Girls dinner," Maggie calls from the kitchen area, we both get up, and I go to the bathroom first.

I shut the toilet door behind me and lean up against it, taking deep breaths. I was scared about the awards, will there be a red carpet? What if I fall? What if I say something I'm not supposed to? I push the thoughts out of my head, wiping away the tears. I open the door and go out to everyone.

*time skip to after dinner cuz I'm lazy*

Billie goes with Finneas to do some editing on a new song, and patrick is talking to Mike, so I help Maggie clean the dishes. "Are you okay sweetie, you didn't seem it at dinner," maggie says with a soft smile.

"Yeah yeah," I dismiss her,

"Are you sure?"

"I'm just worried, about the awards, there will be so many people, I'm not good in those situations," I say, letting out a breath I didnt know I was holding.

"It will be fine, why don't you talk to billie about it?" she says.

"No, she is so exited about it and I don't want to ruin her mood, it's not fair on her," I say

"You're sweet Rory," she smiles as Billie walks into the room ans wraps her arms around my waist

"Wassup,"-she says giggling a little.

"We were just talking about art," Maggie says giving me one of those your secrets safe with me winks.

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now