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                     (two week time skip because I feel like it, so yeah also VOTE & COMMMENT)

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                     (two week time skip because I feel like it, so yeah also VOTE & COMMMENT)

me, billie, Finneas and Claudia are sat in the living room area of the tour bus, playing Mario cart on the wii. we only had a few weeks left of tour, and whilst I didn't want it to be over, I was also exitied to sleep in a real bed again. For the rest of the tour we were in Europe, and right now we were in Denmark.

Maggie walked in with our lunch and we paused our game to eat. just as we started, mike waked. "hey guys," he said

"hi" we all answered, freakishly in unison.

"rory?" he asked

"yes?" I answered hesitantly, not used to being the topic of conversation.

"later on Billie is doing a youtube interview with a channel called glamour, they have asked if along with billie you could be there and they could interview you aswell," 

"why me why not him," I pointed to Finneas, not sure if I wanted to be in the spotlight. 

"well you have first hand experience being on tour with the billie eilish, and you aren't connected in any way other than friends making you more relatble to the fans than Finneas, or Claudia," he said, using his hands a lot when he spoke. 

when he said 'friend' billie choked on her water, almost spitting it out all over the table, which granted her an odd glance from mike. "tried breathing and drink at the same time, im so stupid," Finneas burst out with laughter as mike looked slightly like alost puppy.

"well interview is in an hour so both of you be ready," he said, and left. 

"Bil, you have got to learn to lie a bit better," finneas said in hysterics. 

"Fin, leave her alone," Maggie said, in a sweet tone, as she then turned to talk to Billie, "Honey you now at some point you are going to have to tell mike about you and Rory bring more than friends, this isn't something you can hide from him forever," 

"I know," she sighed. I couldn't help but feel bad. after all i'm the one that put all of this extra stress on her. "I will do it today, after the interview," she said as Maggie gave her a nod "i'm really happy you two found each other," she smiled as billie blushed.


Me and Billie were sat in chairs, infront of a camera, waiting for them to set up the interview.

I was tapping my foot and the floor and twirling my hair, trying my best.to clm my nerves as they were slowly overtaking .

"Silence on set, camera rolling, ,"

(A/N normal = rory.      Bold = Billie    italic = producer)

Hi I'm Billie Eilish

And Rory Rose

So Billie what do you miss most about home?

Well, I would have said the people but I am lucky enough to bring a lot of the people I care about with me. so I would probably have to say my car, because having to uber everywhere sucks. 

Rory, what is it like being on tour with Billie?

well its fun, I mean she works so hard, and I neve realised what she had to give up. I know it all looks very glamourous but its also really really tiring, for me as well, and I'm not even the one doing the shows.

so Billie I heard heard you are going out with a guy, is this true?

no, I'm not going out with a guy, im busy with something else right now. she lingered on the word guy, nto for long only enough for me to realise, her eyes darted over to me and she smiled a little.


The interview lasted around 45 minutes and the questiond were suprsingly easy to answer. 

Billie had a show later that night, so we went from the interview to the venue  for soundcheck. "i'm going to tell Mike," she said to me as we sat in the green room.

"okay, I lo- good luck," oh my god oh my god oh my god. did I really just nearly say that. I hope she didn't notice, im so so stupid 

                                                                                    Billie's P.O.V

did she just? no, no way Billie stop messing around with yourself. just because you think you may have fallen for this girl doesn't mean she feels the same way. 

I took a deep breath and stood up, walking over to where mike was sat at the table. "mike can I talk to you quickly?" I was nervous, I never get nervous. 

"yeah sure Billie, sit," she said pulling out a chair next to him. I was going to sit down, but then I realised I didn't want it to turn out badly in front of everyone.  

"actually, can we do it in the hallway?" I ask as he nods and we walked out of the room into the hallway, Maggie mouthing me a good luck as we leave.  

"so what is it?" Mike asks, slightly concerned. 

"me, and Rory..... Rory and I we're....... look we are more than friends," Mike looked taken aback, he obviously had no prior idea. 

"okay, well you know this can't be public, for a start I'm not sure you label would allow it and, well to be honest I'm not sure its really good idea at all," I wanted to cry, and punch him in the face at the same time. but instead I keep my expression stone cold, my resting bitch face very apparent. 

"yeah, I do really like thanks for asking and thank you for being so supportive," I snarl sarcastically, but not in a funny way before opening the door to the green room. 

"finneas sound," I raise my voice when he takes too long standing up "now!" I didn't know what I was feeling, I just knew I wasn't in the mood to perform. 

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat