14|Plane Fright

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                         [14|Plane Fright]

I had spent the whole day with Lila, I felt so bad for leaving her for so long I thought she deserved the attention. The fact I was going on a world tour with a world famous singer who also happened to be my girlfriend hadn't quite sunk in yet.

I tried to zip up my suitcase and failed miserably. After many attempts and many failures I called in Lila.

"Okay your gonna have to sit on my case whilst I zip it up okay," she seemed exifed by the idea, like a little kid. 

"Sure," she jumped on top of my case and I was finally able to zip it up when my phone buzzed.

"Billie says hi," I shownhernym phone screen.

"Cool," she says trying her best not to fangirl, I giggle at her failed attempt.

I pick up my suitcase and my carry on bag and head to the apartment building lobby, Lila came with me helping me carry my bags.

"I'm gonna miss you," I say trying not to cry whilst pulling her in for a hug.

"Well you cant let it stop you from having a good time I love you Rory,"

"I love you too," I pick up my bag off the floor and walk out of the door into the carpark. 

I spot a big black SUV in the corner and then see billie roll down the dark titled windows. "You ready shorty?" She asks.

"As I'll ever be,"  I open the door and she scoots along one. A man who I assume to be the driver helps me put my bags in the trunk.

I sit down next to Billie and she hands me a carton of chocolate milk. I smile as she sios from her own. "Marry me;" I joke.

"Sorry only Just Bieber can ask me that," she jokes back as I pout and turn away from her.

She pulls me over so my back is now leaning against her shoulders,  and wraps her arms around my waist.


I open my eyes, and realise I must have fallen asleep and fallen onto Billie's lap. She was twirling my hair in her fingers with one hand, and played with my fingers with the other hand. "Hey there," she said noticing I was awake. "Perfect timing, because we just arrived," she looked out of the window, I sat up and did the same.

"Fifteen hours of flying here we come," I was dreading the long flight. The only thing that made it better was being able to be with Billie.

"Yeh," she nervously laughed and u can her a little bit of an odd look.

We all started to pour out of the car,

(A/n okay so I know the main character of this book is set as Claudia sulewski and that in real life she is Finneas's girlfriend. But in this book finneas's girlfriend is still called Claudia but doesnt look like the real claudia [does that make sense? Lmao])

It was me, Billie, Finneas, Claudia, Maggie, Patrick and Billies manager Mike. "Come then kids, we're running late," Patrick says as we dodge Paperazzi into the airport, I walk next to Billie but not to close. The last thing I do is to give the paparazzi any ideas.

We go through security and check in our bags and only have a forty five minute wait until our plain.

We all find a block of seats and take all take pictures for our social media's.


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@wherearetheavocadoes ...




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@rory.rose bye bye LAX


Billie went go the bathroom and as soon as she turned the corner Finneas rushed over and sat next to me. "Just so you know Billie is terrified of flying," he says which surprises me. "She will never admit it and will act like everything is cool but she is really scared of them.

"Okay thanks Finneas," I say as she hands me a tea and rushes back to sit next to Claudia.

I sip at me tea as Billiea arrives back. By the time I have finished my tea and a few oreo's our flight is boarding.

We all walked onto the plane finding our seats. Billie sat in the window, I sat next to her in the middle and the isle seat was left empty. "You okay," I say as I see her fidgeting in her seat.

"Yeah, yeah of course I am I'm fine what are on you about," she rambles on, obviously nervous.

Not long later we are about to take of and Billie is still squirming in her seat. As the plane starts go move and her eyes widen in fear I grab her hand which takes her slightly by surprise. "Its fine," I whisper in her ear "just breathe," when we finally stop jolting around and are smooth sailing in the air Billie's grip loosens on my hand. But she didn't let go and that gave me butterflies.

"Wanna watch a movie," I asked her and she nodded. We pick a movie, put on our headphones and Billie rests her head in my shoulder.

Half way through our second movie I hear soft snores and I realise Billie had fallen asleep. She is so cute when she sleeps. I think to myslef wondering how in the world I got so lucky.

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now