48 | I Love you

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[48 | I love you] 

"Billie, I Love you why can't you just see that,"  My eyes widen slightly, realizing what I just said

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"Billie, I Love you why can't you just see that,"  My eyes widen slightly, realizing what I just said. 

I look up at Billie, who is facing me, her eyes wider than mine, I stand up, and we stand, only a few feet apart. we stand there for what feels like a lifetime. then Billie takes two steps forward and in one swift moment crashes our lips together, at first I'm surprised, then I melt into the kiss. her hands lay on either side of my face, pulling me in closer. 

It truly was one of those movie moments.

we pull apart, both of us out of breath, foreheads pressed together. "I'm sorry," I whisper in between breaths, she tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear "you have nothing to be sorry about," I whispered back, a small smile playing on my lips. 

we sit back down on the sofa, and she puts her arm around my shoulders as I lay my head on her chest, my eyes begin to close as I fall into the deepest sleep I've had in a while. 

*the next morning*

"Do you think they made up,"

"well, it looks like it," 

"that's good, Eli is about to get some shit though,"

"He deserves it," 


I hear muttering and I open my eyes to see Claudia and fingers sitting on the other side of the sofa looking right at me. "Morning," the Claudia says wiggling her eyebrows, pointing to Billie as I playfully roll my eyes at her, giving Billie a little squeeze as she begins to wake up.

"mhm," Billie says, as she sits up and starts playing with my fingers

"I think the show tonight will be good," Finneas says as Billie nods along. 

"what's this," Billie says, as she gently pulls up my sleeve. I visibly gulp and look over to Finnes, "Tell her," he says as more as advice rather than an instruction. 

"It's um, from when he wouldn't let me go, it's fine, it doesn't hurt anymore," I say quietly, looking down at the now yellowy, green-colored bruises. 

"oh my god are you serious," she says, almost in disbelief, "I swear to god Eli doesn't know what's coming to him. 

she pulled out her phone and blocked his number, she then Dm'ed the twins 

Sorry, Isaac.

she then unfollowed them. 

"Billie, people are going to wonder what happened," I warn 

."Yes, and good for them, maybe they will follow my lead and unfollow them as well," she put down her phone. "I want Taco Bell so bad," she pouts.

"I'm not they will sell Taco bell here, wait, where even are we?" I ask realizing we could be anywhere in Europe right now. 

"I have no idea," Finneas says and well all laugh, it felt amazing, to be back to how it was.

I pull out my phone, "Um, we are in France, only just though," I smile, taking a sip from my glass of water that sits in the cup holders in th table. 

"I can't speak a word of french," Claudia says, 

"Me neither," we all reply in unison once again bursting out into fits of laughter, it felt way too good to be true, how was THIS my life. 

we reached the venue and Billie went in for soundcheck, and me and claudia walked out into the pit and danced around like kids. 

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now