♥ Pasteries and Feelings ♥

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Requested by:potato_the_turtle

James' P.O.V

My mom owns a bakery and one day she decided I was old enough to work there for her, I was about 16 at the time, I loved baking with my Mom, baking alone wasn't too bad, it just got boring after a while but I never quit, her and I made losts of money together, then one day she passed away......

I did start developing depression, but I kept working in the bakery, just alone, then I started to notice something, this cute boy would come in, never order anything, he just came in everyday.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Nothing...then one day I decided to make him a special heart shaped pastery, just to be nice.

I made the pastery and slid it to him then went behind the counter again, for once I saw him put down his labtop and he picked up the pastery then bit into it...

I haven't seen someone smile like that in a while. He then got up and came to the counter and said something unexpected.

"Hey, I see you here everyday alone, don't you work with someone?"

"well...I use to work with my Mom....but she's no longer with me..."

"Well would you like some help?"

I smiled and cried a bit, "Yes."

He gave me a hug and comforts me then goes to the back and changes into a uniform.

"Tell me what to do boss!" he says putting his hand up in a solute.

"I'd like it if you'd share your name with me."

He blushed, "Huh?"

"Not like that, I'd like to know your name."

"It's Thomas Jefferson."

"Nice to meet you Thomas."

I then go to the front of the store and put that we are closed, after that I take him to the back, "Here you grab some freshly made dough, you roll it ,and put a little love into your creations then stuff it with fruit and jelly, wrap it and try to make a cute little design then you bake it."

I showed him and he look confused, I chuckled because that's how I would explain it to myself but I guess I have to be more specific.

I taught him how to roll, make the dough, make cute little designs and everything that just makes my mother's baking so special.

Soon after about 2 years he got the hang of it and we were a great team, more people came to the bakery and soon it became popular. That wasn't the only thing, I seem to have developed a slight crush on Thomas.

He was passionate with his baking now and came everyday to work even when I gave him the weekends off, he still came in everyday.

One day I told Thomas something, "Hey so we're being offered a bigger place for the bakery to grow."


"It's two cities away from here....I understand if you don't want to come with me, I just thought it would be nice because yeah sure me and my Mom would draw people to the bakery but we've never gotten this far especially when I was on my own."

Thomas smiled, "I'll come with you, I love working there, no, I love being there while working. I wouldn't care if you didn't pay me I just wanna be there, baking with you."

"One more pastery before we pack up?"

He nodded

We both eat one together and smile in great comfort, "A-And if you d-don't mind w-would you like to move in w-with me? J-just to save money since we're both gonna be new to the cit--"

"James ofcourse I'll move in with you." He smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Thanks, Thomas you're the best."

I then got up and went to get my stuff pack and handed Thomas the keys to close up for the night. I go home and get my things packed.

After this I went to bed

In the morning Thomas called me and picked me up from my home then we drove for a while before making everything offical by changing our adresses and making the place we bought ours along with our home we were sharing.

When we got to our new home we started unpacking, we shared a room, and a bed.

Thomas was just trying to be a good friend and to make sure I wasn't alone anymore.

After going to the place where we were gonna set up our new bakery location, we made a lot of decisions together and we changed the name from
Mommy and I to Jeffmads's Bake Shop, we combined our last names.

Everything was going well even the grand opening was beautiful and amazing.

Things between Thomas and I are more romantic. One day I came home with him from work and he went to go take a shower then called for me to get him a towel. I got him one but I saw something I wasn't meant to see.

Thomas knew that I saw and he invited me in the shower with him,

"No I couldn't....."

"James lets be serious, I know you like me~"

"yes I do~" I blushed.

I took my clothes off and he turned the shower off and filled up the tub, we both got in and Thomas started kissing my neck and massaging my breasts


"Mmm~ James~"

"No Tommy~"

"Why not~"

"I don't think I'm ready~"

"I understand, let me know when you're ready for a good time~"

I blush, "Not that I dont want this, I'm......in love Thomas....with you. I can't do this I'm scared of you leaving...."

He kissed my lips and I kissed back

"I'm not going anywhere James."

I then kiss Tommy again, "Lets do it hard~"

----Smut Skip ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)----

We panted as we were both drenched in the water of the bath, Thomas then gets up and gets me a towel to which we both hop in bed and go to bed deciding to not go into work tommrow and to spend time with each other.

He took me to the park and we both got to learn new things about each other.

I finally wasn't alone, I had Thomas right by my side....

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