Wizardmon's Gift

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"She was attacked by Myotismon, wasn't she?" He asked.

"So what if she was?" Sora asked.

Wizardmon took a deep breath, lifted his hands up and created several hand signs. Once completed, he hovered his hands over Lillymon, emitting a bright green glow.

Everyone was surprised and wary of his actions, but as quickly as he worked, Lillymon began to gain her natural color back. Her black eyes opened and she gasped in pure health.

"Lillymon!" Sora gasped along with the others around.

The flower digimon sat up and looked away almost in a daze, but she was able to see Wizardmon clearly.

"What's this? Wizardmon?" She said puzzled. She jumped up to her feet and was ready to attack, when Tk ran in front of Wizardmon and spread his arms out wide in a protective stance.

"Stop! Don't attack him!" Tk shouted, "Wizardmon's a good digimon. He's got the tag and crest."

"Tk, he could be lying." Sora said.

"No, Sora, it's all true." Joe said. Wizardmon reached into his pocket and pulled out the tag and crest.

Matt and Sora leaned to get a closer look and gasped when they saw that it was indeed a tag and crest.

"This tag and crest belong to Kari." Wizardmon said, "We've gotta help Gatomon. She was captured by Myotismon."

The fact that Wizardmon told them to rescue Gatomon confused and surprised the group.

"Gatomon?" Sora repeated questioningly.

Tk nodded, "Yeah, Wizardmon says that Gatomon belongs with Kari."

"Now, where is Kari?" Wizardmon asked. Matt looked down, still beating himself up for letting me and Kari go with Phantomon.

"He's got her." He said, "They even captured Raya."

Wizardmon's eyes widened at the sudden fact. Not only did Myotismon have the ninth child, but they also had me, the Digi-mage.

"Wait a second, they've got Raya, too? But why take her?" Mr. Ishida asked.

"She's a powerful person, sir. A Digi-mage said to hold amazing power and abilities." Wizardmon explained, "If Myotismon has her, then he can find a way to take those abilities for himself."

"Well, then, we have to go and save them both." Tk said determinedly.

Mr. Ishida looked down at his son with worried eyes.

"Hold on a minute, Tk, there's no way I'm letting you go into a dangerous situation like that. Same with you, Matt." He said.

But Tk didn't stand for it. He stomped his foot and the ground and looked straight into his father's eyes.

"I'm going to help save Raya. She saved me once, now it's my turn to do the same."

Everyone was shocked by the young boy's words, especially his father.

Izzy nodded and turned around toward the tv station behind them.

"Gennai sent me some emails." He said, "He said that the tv station was the center of Myotismon's fog barrier."

Suddenly in the sky, a dark shadow surrounded by bats appeared flying towards the top floor of the tv station.

"Hey, look!" Sora shouted.

"It's Myotismon!" Matt said.

"He's got Gatomon." Wizardmon said under his breath with an angry tone, "But not for long."

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora