I bowed, "that is correct, sir.  I'm not a talented fire bender, I'm sure that was just exaggerations on my father's part."

He cocked his head, "Is that so?"

I gulped and nodded. 

"Curious... Zuko?"

"Yes, father?" Zuko jumped at the sound of his name. 

"Come over here please."

He looked uncomfortable but complied. His eyes met mine and I mouthed, "what is going on?"

He shot me a look that said, "I have no idea."

I nodded. 

Ozai stretched then raised his voice, "you may come in."

I turned around, "who may co-" I felt heat against my back. I ducked and deflected fire with a kick. 

I dodged more fire blasts, "who the hell?" I looked over to see a man, probably in his 30's or 40's, firing ruthless blast after blast.

Ozai clapped as I continued to dodge, "this is Zuko and Azula's fire bending teacher. He's the best there is."

Zuko looked horrified, "father, what are you doing?"

He looked at his son in disdain, "Shut up."

Zuko shrank away.

The teacher still hasn't hit me, but I was getting slower, my stamina slowly diminishing. If I didn't fight back, I was going to get hurt. 

I sighed and set up a column of fire. I jumped through the fire, manipulating it so that I wouldn't get burned, then kicked my attacker in the face. He attempted blasting more fire at me, but I ducked and shot a pinwheel of fire at him. Then I lunged, grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, snapping it. He screamed in pain, and I kicked him away. 

I looked at Ozai, panting, "are you happy now?"

He smiled, "yes."

I rolled my eyes. 

He coughed, "you will be joining Zuko at his fire bending lessons every day after school, and you may want to consider being a part of my war planning. I've also seen to it that you are enrolled in the fire bending classes at school. Advanced, so you will be in the same class as Zuko. Other than that, your life should be the same. Zuko will show you to your new room, and all of your stuff has already been set up."

Zuko walked towards me and we exited the throne room. Once we were out of earshot he turned to me, "I am so sorry, I had no idea he was going to-"

"It's fine Zuko," I smiled, "it's not your fault."

He grinned, "you didn't call me Prince Zuko or Prince Zuko without the Prince this time."

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear you, Prince Zuko without the Prince."

He laughed, "you are so annoying."

"Thank you."

He stopped in front of a red door with a gold knob, he turned the knob and opened the door, revealing a room way bigger than any room I've had before. Plus, there was a TV in this one. I've never had a TV in my room. I walked inside and opened the closet, sure enough, all of my clothes were there, I laughed, "that was kind of fast... don't ya think?"

Zuko shrugged, "If my father wants something done... it gets done."

I nodded, "your father is a psychopath."

"Tell me about it," he turned to face me fully, "is there a reason why you pretend you're helpless?"

"I don't pretend I'm helpless. Bending doesn't make you all-powerful, you know."

Blazing: An Avatar AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora