14 | protect ruby at all costs

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❝ I might not be able to protect you next time! ❞

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I might not be able to protect you next

Hours later, it was finally the moment Cesar had been waiting for. He really didn't want to host this party knowing that it was only for recruitments, but it was too late. He couldn't cancel now.

Spooky walked up to him and asked, "Everything's in place?"

Cesar bit his lip and spoke softly. "Yeah..."

Spooky stared at him suspiciously. "Why you look so nervous?"

"Latrelle's out there on the hunt. Should we really be hosting a damn party? We don't need attention on us," Cesar answered.

"Let me tell you something—this is OUR block. Latrelle's stupid, but he's not that stupid," Spooky started. "And if he IS that stupid, I got this."

He pulled out a gun from his pocket.

Cesar's whole body froze up. He put his hands out pleadingly. "PUT THAT AWAY!"

Spooky shook his head angrily and put the gun away. "How do you consider yourself a Santo when you're scared to see a gun?"

"I'm not scared. I just don't want to see any of these innocent people get hurt," Cesar told him.

"Then you better hope this party goes off without a hitch," Spooky warned.

Cesar gulped. Then the doorbell rang.

"Speaking of innocent people," Spooky said.

Cesar opened the door and greeted his fellow school mates. Dave was one of them.


"H-h-hello Spooky. You h-have a ni-nice place," Dave stuttered. He was shaking in his boots.

Spooky slowly got in Dave's face and stared at him menacingly. "Get out of my face."

That made Dave hightail it away from them. He did NOT want to challenge a Santo!

Cesar smirked. That's what his bitch ass gets.

"He definitely won't be getting recruited," Spooky said firmly.

Cesar was glad to hear that. "Good."

More guests arrived and Cesar greeted them. Spooky spoke to him. "Look, just handle shit out here in the front of the house. You think you can do that?"

𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐨𝐦𝐛Where stories live. Discover now