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"To Ron's lawyer!" The family clinked their drink glasses together, sitting in a nearby restaurant while Ron and Jen sorted their drama out for themselves

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"To Ron's lawyer!" The family clinked their drink glasses together, sitting in a nearby restaurant while Ron and Jen sorted their drama out for themselves.

"The drama right now, is really real." Pauly said as Vicki crossed her leg over her knee and rested her hand over Pauly's that was resting against her baby bump. "Like the drama with Ron and Sam was funny, this shit is scary."

"Vicki, you need to have your son, so we can drink wine together like old times." Nicole said as Vicki sat and sipped her lemonade.

"Yeah remember the winery in Italy?" Jenni said laughing as Vicki shook her head at the memory.

"Still to this day I can't remember one minute of the tour." Vicki said making everyone laugh.

"We've had some really good times together." Nicole said smiling at Vicki who nodded.

"Oh my god, Deena has a salad named after her." Vicki said reading the menu making the girls laugh.

"Aww, it would have been amazing to have her with us." Mike said munching on his appetizer.

"Man, this sphincter wine is making us crazy." Pauly was laughing as the girls died laughing at the name.

"What is a sphincter?" Nicole asked.

"What a great dinner conversation." Vicki mumbled while trying to block out the word sphincter.

"Do you know what a sphincter is?" Nicole asked the waiter quite bluntly.

"I haven't got a clue." Pauly said.

"Its part of the anus." Mike answered the question.

"So Vinny has been taking it in the sphincter his whole life." Pauly said making the girls try to catch their breath from laughing so much.

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